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Bailee had to babysit her little brother, once again. She didn't mind that much but when she had to babysit every single day, it grew quite annoying. She didn't even have time I spend with her friends. It was already past 12 and he was fast asleep. Bailee had just begun her homework for that day when the lights began to flicker.

Stupid storm. she thought angrily and continued on.

After a few moments of flickering, the power cut off completely, leaving her in darkness. Letting out a groan of frustration, she got up and went to the basement, trying to switch the power back on. It was no use. She headed back to he room in defeat. She flopped on her bed and fell into something soft.

"Agghhhh!" she screamed and tumbled off the bed.

"Shg, sissy, it's me." Ian's head killed out from underneath the covers.

"Ian, what are you doing up? its past midnight."

"I couldn't sleep. the thunder was too loud."

"Arg!" She huffed as she walked towards my bed.

"Don't make me leave sissy." he whimpered as the wind and rain hit against the house.

"Fine. But you have to scoot over, I need to get in bed too."

He did as she said and they laid in silence for a while. Bailee's mind flashed with a tiny lightbulb and an evil smile grew upon her face.

"Wanna hear a story Ian?"

"Yes." he whispered.

She waited while Ian positioned himself so he faced her. After he was situated, she waited a while as she got the story together in her head.

"The covers are alive." I whispered, leaning towards his ear.

"Alive?" he squeaked, eyes wide in fear.

"Yes. They're alive and wait until your asleep so they can eat you up. Each night, they measure you up until they find out the exact size you are. Then one night, the covers will slowly cover your head and in the morning, your gone."

"No!" he squeaked and pushed the covers off his body. "I don't wanna be eaten."

"There's only one way to stop it." Bailee said and paused.

"What is it? What is it?"

"To stop the covers from eating you, you have to leave them an offering."

"What's an off ring?" He questioned.

"No, not an off ring, an offering. Its basically something you give to appease someone."

"Oh. What do I have to give them?"

Lightning struck again and illuminated the room enough so she could see just how truly scared he was.

"To appease them, you must place a dish of raw fish at the bottom of your bed. The flesh of fish is supposed to taste better than ours so they'll go after them instead. Only then, will they leave you alone."

Thunder shook the house as more lightning cause shadows to dance on the walls. Ian whimpered.

"Get up! quickly. Now is when you must give it your offering!" She pushed him off the bed slightly.

"But Im 'fraid of the dark."

"If you don't hurry, they'll get you."

He quickly took off to what she presumed was the kitchen. I chuckled and laid in bed. The whole reason she told him that story was to get him out of my bed. She closed my eyes and let herself drift.


For some unknown reason, she woke up at exactly 12:00 midnight. Bailee shrugged off the eerie feeling and blamed it on the storm. She closed my eyes again when she felt something brush against her feet. Her eyes shot open but the feeling stopped.

It's just my imagination she thought before closing her eyes defiantly.

This time the feeling moved to her stomach and she knew she wasn't hallucinating then. She opened her eyes to see her covers arched over her. Her thoughts shot to the story she told Ian.

This can't be happening!

She tried smacking it out of the way but the covers held her hands down. Slowly, it inched up her body and she began to panic as she realized there was nothing she could do about it.

She struggled against the covers that held her hands down as it continued to cover her face. Bailee let out a muffled scream as she was submerged into darkness.

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