The Note

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It's been a month since you've sent out the application to a college and you've been stalking the mailbox relentlessly. Today, you went to the mailbox expecting to find nothing once again but to your surprise, a cream colored envelope sat on the bottom of the box. Giddily, you snatch it up and begin tearing it open right there, even though your only in a robe and some slippers.

Your excitement turned to confusion when you saw that it wasn't your college letter, but something else entirely. Neatly packed inside the envelope was a letter from someone with the last name Adams. You didn't remember anyone by the name adams but curiosity got the best of you. You began to read:

Hello there, I found this note with your name on it and I came to return it. I'm a naturally curious person so, of course, I read it in advance. It read:

Dear Friend,

You have been invited to the reunion. The address is 1422 Alens Rd. Make sure your there by 6:00 sharp. Don't be late and make sure to dress to impress!


J.S. Adams

You place the paper down on your desk top and shake your head at the thought of a reunion. Who cares what others though. Reunions were only to show off what you've done in your life. After a day of indecision you forget about it for a while.

The days pass by and they soon turned into months and until your eventually moving into your own apartment now. Right now, you were packing while saying goodbye to your parents who were bawling their eyes out to see their little girl leave. While cleaning and packing boxes, a crumpled yellowish sheet of paper fluttered to the floor. You drop the boxes immediately, intrigued by it, and open it. Instantly you recognize it to be the letter you had mistaken as your college acceptance letter. Rereading it for information, you grab your car keys and decide to check it out.

Maybe your not too late. Maybe.

You park on the side of an abandoned building as stepped out of you car into the frigid air. Walking around the building, you saw 1422 Alens rd. but that couldn't be right. It lead you to a graveyard. You walked into the lot further as you passed tombstone after tombstone until one caught your eye. Crouching down so your eye level with the stones, you wipe at he dust that has gathered over the years. After the dust was removed, it revealed the name Johnny Smith Adams. Something about that name seemed familiar but you couldn't quite place a finger on it. You walked out of the grave yard and took out the paper again to read where the reunion was supposed to be held.


J.S. Adams

You heart skipped a beat as you stopped in your tracks. Slowly, you turned around and went back to the grave stones only to see that the person who wrote this letter was the same Johnny Adams that had died well over 100 years ago.


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