Power Rangers SPD (Bridge love story info)

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Name: Sora Knight Tate

Age: 17

Height: One inch taller than Z

Birthdate: September 16

Apperance: Dark blonde/Brown that goes past her shoulder blades, baby blue eyes, small nose, average sized bust, curve figure, dimples and ovel shaped face

Personality: happy, outspoken, kindhearted, cunning, comical, shy around strangers at first, brave, hardly gets mad but if she does get mad HIDE, only gets upset when her father is brought up and around the time he died

Likes: her family, her friends, flowers, insects, animals, sunny days, training, fighting, singing, drawing, painting, dancing, flying, swimming, running, writing, reading, fruits and element bending

Dislikes: Thunder, the dark, blood, cauliflower, all evil and Mirloc

Powers: Can create force fields, fly, can talk to animals, turns into any creature she has seen, super speed, her sense of smell sight and hearing are beyond stronger than any human, really strong and can control all elements (like from avatar the last airbender)

Hobbies: Training, fighting, painting, drawing, writing, singing, dancing, cooking, baking and reading

Special skill: Interagating and remebering anything that she has seen, tracking and is a ninja

I.Q: 302 points

Gear: Delta morpher and a patrol cycle

Zords: Delta runner 6 and SWAT flyer 6

Weapons: Delta enforcer, delta basters, deltamax strikers and some ninja weapons

Ranger designation: Black SPD Ranger, (When she first appears she will be wearing her dad's red ranger outfit for awhile) (And if you didn't see the Power rangers spd episode's "Reflection" part 1 and 2 then you might not know what I'm talking about.)

(Just ignore that it's an 8 on the suit and pretend that its a 6)

Family: Older Brother- Schuyler "Sky" Tate (Alive)

Mom- April Tate (Alive)

Dad- (DEAD)

Moto: "No matter what the situation is, I'll fight to the ended."

(Background story)

When Sora was just two years old she used to laugh alot and sometimes follow her father when he goes to work.

Then when she playing in to park with her family, her father got the call to head into the city. Whenhe was out of sight her mother and Sky looked around and saw that Sora was missing. Her mother called the SPD to tell them Sora was gone again and maybe following her dad.

When Sora was walking trying to find her dad when she came across alot of people running from some aliens that where attacking. She was trying to dodge everyone when she saw her father helping a few people to get out of the area.

Then she heard footsteps behind her, Sora turned around to see an alien with a stripped blue and red head with odd looking red ears, spiky grey/black trench coat looking outfit, mirrors on his chest while weilding a sword.

The alien ran at her while holding his sword ready to attack. Then her father jumped infront of her taking the hit while he blasted at the alien knocking him out.

When the SPD came to the site took the alien away while someone was trying to calm Sora downas she was cryin over her fathers body.

She looked up to see a dog person next to her. He said his name is Anubis "Doggie" Cruger while he was saying that he died as a hero, then Sora fell asleep.

When she woke up Sora was in her mothers arms. Sora looked down to see Sky holding their dads burned helment. As three years have past, Sora blames herself for causing their father to die.

Then Sora decides to runaway to become stronger.

Sora pack her blanket, her teddybear, a few clothes, a family picture, a photo of her and Sky with there dad while he was still in his ranger suite while holding his helment and took her dads power ranger outfit with the morpher and the helment.

After many years Sora has been training at diffrent ninja Academy's. The last one she is at is the Wind Ninja Academy. Now Sora is thinking about return home in hopes she can become a SPD power ranger.

When she becomes a SPD ranger her Delta runner 6 is a smaller version of the delta runner 1 only black with a 6 on it and can turn into a ninja sword for the Delta Megazord and for the SWAT Zord. Her SWAT flyer 6 is like the SWAT flyer 2 only black with a 6 on it and can turn into a giant shuriken.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2012 ⏰

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