grayson | "what if I helped you?"

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You groaned loudly and slammed your hands on the kitchen table in frustration, shooting your computer screen a dirty look. Why your teacher had decided to assign summer homework, you had no idea, but you did know that it was proving to be absolute hell. You had been putting off the work all summer, and now that was the start of school was nearing, you had made yourself sit down and do it. Or at least try to do it. So far, you'd had little success. The book you were supposed to read was dry and monotonous, with a dull plotline that could hardly pass as engrossing.

Sighing, you took a deep breath and attempted to read the questions on the assignment in front of you again. The cursor blinked at you impatiently, the screen blank where your answer should have been. There was a moment of silence for about three seconds before you angrily grabbed the book sitting on the table and chucked it at the wall, letting out a yell. "So- stupid!"

It took you a second to register another presence in the room, and you turned to see your boyfriend, Grayson, leaning against the door frame. His eyebrows were raised in slight amusement, and he held your discarded book in his hands.

"You wanna tell me what's going on?"

You slumped in your chair and threw your head back. "This stupid, dumb, irrelevant, idiotic, assignment is what's going on."

Grayson came up and pulled out a chair, chuckling as he took a seat next to you.

"Gray, this isn't funny. I'm serious. This is going to be my first grade of the year, and I haven't done shit."

He looked at you. "What do you have to do?"

"Read that stupid book and complete these four stupid assignments. There's one for each part of the book." You felt more and more stressed with each word you spoke, like the anxiety was rising higher and higher in your chest. "It's just so-"

"Stupid?" he offered.

You nodded and groaned again. "Yes! Stupid!"

Grayson leaned back in his chair, his long legs spread out in front of him as he skimmed the back of your book. "Well this seems ..." his voice trailed off and he frowned. "Uh, interesting."

"Exactly," you scoffed. "It's so boring, I fall asleep every time I try to read it. I'm hopeless. I mean, what's wrong with me? I'm an idiot, that must be it. That's the only answer." You held your face in your hands. "There's no way I'll finish this. I can't. "

You felt Grayson slowly pry your hands away from your face. He didn't let go of them as he looked at you. "Y/N. First of all, you are not an idiot. You're the smartest person I know. Hands down."

You smiled faintly.

"And second of all, I know you can finish it. You can."

You shook your head. "Gray, I wasn't joking. I seriously fall asleep if I try to read it. And I can't do the assignment if I don't read the book.

He opened his mouth to reply, but you cut him off. "And before you say anything, I'm not just going to look up the plot of the book online. I have to provide textual evidence and all that crap."

Grayson grinned. "I wasn't going to say that. What if I helped you?"

You raised your eyebrows doubtfully. "How?"

"I'll read you the book out loud so you don't have to. You just have to listen. And then when we finish, I'll go through the assignments with you." He glanced down at his lap. "I know I'm not a total genius or anything, but two minds are better than one, right?"

"You- really? You'd do that for me?"

"You'll my girl. I'd do anything to help you. Even if it means reading a horribly boring snooze-fest of a book," he added, smiling. "Did I mention I have a really sexy narrator voice?"

You grinned and leaned forward, grabbing his face and planting a kiss on his lips. "You're the best. And you are a total genius."

"So I'm told."

The two of you headed over to the couch and got comfortable with blankets and warm cups of coffee. You rested your head on Grayson's shoulder as he began to read, his deep voice making the words sound way more interesting that they ever would have been by themselves. (He was right, he really did have a sexy narrator voice). You found yourself actually paying attention to the story and following the plot for once.

"What?" you asked, eyes wide. "He's a rancher? On a farm? I thought he just liked horses."

Grayson shook his head and laughed. "Man, it's a really good thing I'm reading this to you. You would've been screwed."

You pushed his shoulder but laughed anyways. "Shut up. I would've figured it out eventually, or something."

"Right," he snorted. "Or something."

By the end of the evening, you and Grayson had completed the first assignment of four and were halfway done with the second one.

"Are you sure he was being vulnerable?" you asked. "He could've just been being friendly."

"No, trust me," Grayson said. "His character never would have done something like that at the beginning of the book. He's putting himself out there for her because he loves her- he's being completely vulnerable!" He gestured animatedly with his hands as he spoke.

"Okay, okay," you said, laughing slightly. "Vulnerable it is. I'm taking your word for it." Grayson leaned over you and rested his head on your shoulder as you typed, and you turned your head and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before continuing.

It was midnight when you yawned for the millionth time and rubbed your eyes, staring at the computer screen again.

"Come on, Y/N. You need to go to sleep and get some rest. We'll finish this tomorrow, okay?"

"Okay, yeah," you said distractedly, still typing. "I'll stop in a second."

You could feel Grayson's eyes on you until you heard him sigh. "Alright, well I'm going to get ready for bed."

"Okay," you said, reaching behind you to give his hand a quick squeeze. "Goodnight, babe."

"Goodnight. Come to bed soon, okay?" He kissed the top of your head and wandered down the hallway.

You were still typing away when your eyes began to get heavier and heavier. You found it hard to keep them, open, and you yawned again. You decided to talk a small little break and closed your eyes just for a moment, resting your head on the table.

Your consciousness stirred suddenly at the feeling of floating. You opened your eyes slowly and looked up to see Grayson, his strong jaw especially visible from your angle. He was carrying you in his arms, and the fabric of his T-shirt was soft against your cheek.

"Hey," you said sleepily.

He looked down at you, smiling slightly. "Go back to sleep, Y/N."

You nodded, your heavy eyelids already drifting back shut. "I couldn't have done this all without you," you mumbled. "Thank you."

You felt the the faint bounce of the mattress and blankets being pulled over you and the last thing you remembered before fully succumbing to sleep was a fleeting pressure on your forehead. You fell asleep smiling.

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