grayson | "breathe."

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"Y/N, I'll be with you the entire time," Grayson said, turning down the car radio. "It'll be over in a split second."

You were headed to the doctor's office for your yearly vaccine, and you were not looking forward to it. You hated needles, and anytime you had to go get a shot you were terrified. It wasn't like you freaked out intentionally, you just couldn't seem to help your reaction. I mean, they were sticking a piece of metal inside your body. That just didn't seem right.

Grayson knew about your fear of shots and needles, and that's why he was coming with you to the doctor's office and why he was the one driving. You were much too nervous to drive yourself, and you needed him there for support. You were currently sitting in the passenger seat, your hands tapping on your thighs anxiously. Grayson reached over and placed a hand on top of yours.

"Y/N. Breathe."

You nodded and took in a deep breath, trying to calm the panic in your chest. Grayson was here, and if he was here, everything would be okay.

He held your hand as you walked into the building and didn't let go, not even when the nurse or called your name or when you jumped up to sit on the table to get your shot. You didn't know how you had gotten so lucky with such a compassionate guy for a boyfriend, but you knew you were forever grateful for him.

The nurse took one look at you and your death grip on Grayson's hand before smiling knowingly. "Afraid of shots, hun?"

You eyed the needle in her gloved hands and nodded. You could feel yourself beginning to freak out again, and took all of your will to not go running from the room. A small noise of fear escaped your lips as the nurse came closer.

"Which arm, dear?"

You couldn't seem to speak. "Her left one," Grayson answered for you. "She's right handed."

The nurse nodded and eyed you cautiously as she lifted up your shirtsleeve. "Okay, I'm just going to swab the spot on your arm to make sure its clean, and then I'll give you the shot. It'll be over really quickly, sweetie."

Your breathing seemed to get more shallow as she spoke, and you stared down at the floor, trying to focus on anything else, anything that would distract you.

"Can you relax your arm?" The nurse asked kindly. "You're very tense, and that's going to make it a lot harder for me and yourself."

You blinked at her. "Um- yeah, okay I'm trying. Sorry, I'm, like, really nervous and freaked out. I, uh-"

"Y/N, just focus on me," Grayson said, turning your face towards him. "Match your breathing with mine, okay? In, out. In, out."

You nodded and tried to breathe at the same pace and time as Grayson, focusing on his lips and chest and when they moved. Despite your effort, you still felt your heart racing with fear and anxiety as you imagined the needle going into your arm. You screwed your eyes shut and squeezed your hands into tight fists, trying not to have a full-fledged freak out.

"Ah, screw it," Grayson said suddenly. Before you could open your eyes to ask him what he was talking about, he had his hand against your cheek and his mouth pressed against yours. The kiss was soft and welcoming, and you felt yourself melt into him as his hand moved up to tangle in your hair.

There was a tap on your shoulder, and you pulled away from Grayson to see the nurse, looking amused. "You're all finished, honey. The shot's over."

"What?" You glanced down at your shoulder, where there was now a blue Tweety Bird band-aid. "Oh my- uh, thank you."

Grayson looked down at the floor and laughed, a little embarrassed. "Yes, thank you."

She gave you both one last knowing look and smiled as she left the room. "You're very welcome."

You looked over at Grayson, who was grinning. "Maybe you should get shots more often."

"Or maybe you should just kiss me more often."

His grin widened and he laughed as the two of you walked back towards the exit. "Maybe I will."

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