ethan | "it'll be fun, I promise."

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"No way. There is absolutely no way in hell I'm getting on that thing." You looked up at the looming roller coaster in horror, the blood-curdling screams of its victims sending chills down your spine.

"Baby, come on," Ethan pleaded, grabbing your hand. "It'll be fun, I promise."

"Fun?" you pulled your hand from his grasp and looked at him in disbelief. "This looks fun to you?"

You had a long-lasting, deep-running fear of roller coasters. You had no idea why you had agreed to go to the amusement park with Ethan. He had just been so excited when he asked you, and, foolishly, you hadn't even thought about the prospect of roller coasters. Now, that's all you were thinking about. Ethan had been trying to convince you for the past ten minutes to ride the Thunderbolt with him, a ride famous for its three loops and crazy drops. You wanted to throw up just thinking about it.

"Please?" he asked, his brown eyes warm. "Please, Y/N? Please. I wouldn't want to ride it with anyone else."

Damn it. When he said crap like that ... it was so much harder to say no.

He looked a bit like an excited child as he bounced on his toes, looking at you hopefully. The streak in his hair matched the bright purple shade of the roller coaster seats.

"E, you know I hate roller coasters."

He frowned and grabbed your hands, placing them around his neck. He pulled you towards him. "We'll do it together. Come on, I swear you'll enjoy it. Give it a chance. For me?" He rested his forehead on yours.

You were silent for a long moment. "Fine," you sighed. "Just this one time.
This is the only exception. After this, I'm never riding one again."

"Yes! Yes!" He leaned down and kissed you excitedly, his arms wrapping around your waist. You pushed him away and laughed.


"What?" He shrugged. "I'm excited. Wow, this is monumental. Your first roller coaster. With me!"

"You owe me," you muttered as the two of you stepped into line.

"Man, there's not even a long line!" Ethan said cheerfully. "We'll get to go on the next ride."

"Great," you said dryly. "Freaking fantastic."

It was only when you and Ethan sat down in the seats of the cart and the harness lowered that you the full force of what you were about to do hit you.

"Oh my gosh." You turned to Ethan. "I can't do this. What am I doing?"

You yanked on the harness a bit crazily, only to panic even more when it didn't budge. It had already locked into place. You were trapped. A prisoner of the coaster.

Ethan reached over and grabbed your hand in his. "Hey, hey, hey. Y/N. Look at me. It's going to be okay. You can do this."

You didn't say anything but locked your gaze on his, nodding slightly. You gulped as the carts lurched forward, and your hand tightened on Ethan's.

"Oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god," you said loudly, squeezing your eyes shut. You had begun to move up on the steep incline, and you knew what that meant: the drop was coming.

"It's fun, babe!" Ethan yelled over the grinding of the cart on the track. It was a loud, repetitive noise that only seemed to worsen your nerves. "Trust me! You'll love it!"

You shook your head feverishly, your eyes still screwed closed. "I hate this. I hate my life. I'm going to die, I am going to die!"

Ethan laughed. "Well in that case, if we die, Y/N, you should know that I love you!"

You opened your eyes widely and turned to look at him. "What?"

Before Ethan could manage a reply, the coaster had reached the top. You didn't have time to comprehend what this meant as you suddenly dropped straight down, your stomach moving up to your throat. You had never screamed with such raw terror or volume before, and your hand was holding Ethan's so tightly your knuckles had turned white.

You shrieked as the wind rushed through your hair, blowing it all over your face. You jerked around in your seat with each sharp turn the roller coaster made, and in mere seconds you had reached the three loops.

"Shit!" You screamed even louder as you felt yourself turn upside down, almost suspended in the air. At one point, you opened your eyes and turned to see Ethan, who was laughing his ass off.

After each drop, you swore you were going to be sick or pass out. The whole experience was a bit exhilarating and terrifying all at once, and finally, after what seemed like forever, the carts pulled into the end, slowing down and coming to a screeching halt.

You blinked, in a bit of a daze, and sat there. Ethan only cheered loudly. "Whoo! Yes! That was amazing!"

An amusement park worker came and unlocked the harness, allowing for the two of you to step out. Your entire body was shaking, and you found yourself having to grip Ethan's arm as you walked down the exit ramp.

"So ... what'd you think?"

You turned to look at Ethan and broke into laughter. His hair was now an erratic tangle of brown and purple, sticking out in all sorts of directions. It seemed the wind hadn't only affected you. He looked absolutely ridiculous and a bit adorable.

He rolled his eyes as he realized why you were laughing. "Hey, your hair isn't so pretty and neat, either." He reached forward and smoothed it down, brushing pieces out of your face and back into place. You did the same thing with him, making sure his hair was back to its usual swooshy smooth self.

The two of you looked at each other, grinning.

You grabbed his hand. "What was that you said to me? Before we went over that first drop?"

His cheeks seemed to gain a pink tint, and he looked down at the ground. "I don't know ... something about if we died ... or something ... that ..."

"You love me."

He rubbed the back of his neck in an almost nervous manner. "Yeah. That."

"You've never said that to me before."

"Well- I just- I figured if there was a chance we might die I should, you know, probably tell you exactly how, I- well, you know-"

You decided you had let him squirm long enough and broke into a smile. "I love you, too."

He stopped rambling and looked at you for a moment before giving you a kiss. It was soft and sweet and you broke away, smiling. He wrapped his arm around your shoulders as you headed towards an ice cream stand.

"Oh, by the way, I'm never doing that again."

"What?" He looked down at you, a grin forming on his face. "But you said you love me!"

You scoffed. "Not that much."

He carried you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and walked around the park until you finally admitted that you did love him that much.

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