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Heath's Perspective

Ooooo a new one

Everyone meets up at David's house and we order tickets on the same plane, for the day after tomorrow, since that's all they had, and shit was it expensive. Its worth it to possibly say goodbye to Elton... No, i cant think like that. None of us can. "G-Guys... Go pack. Everyone can stay here, no one should be alone right now." David says softly. You think David is always positive and jokey, but not in serious times. Even when his hand was cut open, he was, but not when someone's life may be ending. We all nod, and Zane and I get into his jeep.

The drive to our apartment is absolutely silent, other than the faint sniffles of our soft cries. Once arrival reaches, we step out and run inside to pack, and get back to David's place. We're coming Elton, stay with us.

Scotty's Perspective

My girlfriend's best friend in the whole world is dying... In another country. God i wish i was there for her right now. I glance at my phone after packing and decide to text her.

Scotty: Stay strong. I'll be there the day after tomorrow, along everyone else. I love you 💞

Read 9:04pm by Yin😘

I get in and drive to David's place once more, in tears. I was not the absolute closest with him, but we were great friends. My ex roommate, and one of my best friends. Stay alive Elton.

{Fitz's Perspective}

I know many of you may not know who that is, but just search 80fitz in YouTube

We'll carry on...

Your Perspective

I read Scotty's text and decide it's best not to reply. I put my phone into the backpack I had brought with me everywhere I went. As I sit in the center of the room I suddenly get dizzy, and then soon faint. Not again... not now... I can't faint now... wake up Yin. Elton needs you. You need Elton...

End of chapter

When I see you again...

My Best Friend's Roommate || A Corey Scherer FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now