Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

At the end of English class I join the crowd of seventh graders going to the lunch room. Jerome has a job as a touter during today's lunch period so I sit with all the others who like to blend.

"Don't you actually have a friend?" Susan shoots me a look as I sit across from her.

"He's busy." That's all I give her as I start to eat.

A loud thunder-like noise fills the room as Nathan and his "group" come running in. I turn to face them, the others at my table just roll their eyes.

"What's up BLENDERS mashing up more fun I see." A murmur comes from his group and the sound of hands slapping drowns out any real words they say.

"Now what's a pretty little normal doing over here? You're selling yourself short!" I know why he said that, so I turn and keep eating.

"What just because you lost your daddy doesn't mean you have to just blend, why don't you come sit with me?"

"I'll pass." I can't believe he brought up what I was trying so hard to hide. I glare at my sandwich. He walks away, but what I don't see is his face, it looks hurt.

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