Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

I can't believe what just happened. I stumble into science a little later than the others, oh well, NATHAN JUST KISSED ME!

I can hardly hear Miss C. drone on about plants over the thoughts racing through my head. Then she says the word project. I also hear the word partners, and the words randomly selected.

"I will now give you your partners." she picks up a clipboard. "Liam and Mark, Dylan and Samantha, Salani and Nathan, blah bablah blah."

That's all I heard then I looked at the boy who had just kissed me. He was smiling. I look away after he blows me an air kiss because I don't want earlier to happen again, well at least not today.

"Pair up you have ten minutes to work and get to know each other today."

Nathan walks over and sits in the chair across from me.

"Who would think we get paired up for a SCIENCE project?" He smirks when he says this. I hate how good I feel right now.

"Since we clearly know each other let's get to work on the project." I turn to the board and read our assigned subject, electronic development, great.

"Why are her subjects so weird and lame?" Nathan's voice pulls we out of deep thought.

I lean forward and stop when I'm just close enough for him to hear if I whisper, "Because she is." We both sit back and laugh until we notice the whole class is staring.

"The bell will ring in 30 seconds gather your supplies" Nathan runs back to his seat and pulls out a notebook from a large folder. Once the bell rings he runs out of class and drops the notebook on top of my stuff.

I look for a title but he only wrote his name neatly in the top left corner. I open it on my way out of class. It's all about me and Nathan. It's a smash book just about him and me.

A smash book is a collection of harsh comments with a person per page, but in the one I held it was a person per 50 pages.

I read the section about me on the way to my locker, where Nathan waits an apologetic look on his face. He sees I'm reading.

"I figured you should know. Especially since that book is the main reason I kissed you earlier. The kiss was meant as a 'sorry' beforehand, and to show you I was sorry for what I said at lunch, and to show you I really like you."

I stand there dumbfounded and on the verge of crying, he pulls me into a hug. I can hardly move enough to wrap my arms around him. Then I start to softly cry into his shirt.

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