Chapter 1

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"She was one of the rare ones, so effortlessly herself, and the world loved her for it."


Chapter 1

The girl in the mirror stares back at me. She has beautiful long raven hair and eyes that are so dull and plain. One is green while the other is blue. She is 5'4 and has an hour glass figure. She has caramel colored skin without even a blemish on it. According to people she is special so, she hides. She won't even show her bare face in public.

Her name is something countless people wish to know, but she does not wish to give it out. She says it in her head all the time just so she remembers it.

That's when the alarm goes off snapping me out of my thoughts. The alarm that tell me that it's time to get ready. I quickly get ready and eat breakfast. Right when I'm done eating I start heading to the new school I'm starting. But before I go I spray my special perfume on that masks my scent.

I walk into the garage with my phone in my hand and book bag on my shoulder. I grab the keys to my black Range Rover and hop in. I pull out of the garage and head to the new school. While driving I turn on my IPod and one of my favorite songs comes on. Let her go nightcore version. So I hum along.

Well you only need the light when its burning low

Only miss the sun when it starts to snow

Only know you love her when you let her go

Only know you've been high when you're feeling low

Only hate the road when you're missing home

Only know you love her when you let her go

And you let her go

While humming I pull into the parking lot of Kings High School. Like what werido names a school "kings," but whatever. I park in a spot where there are cameras watching my car. As I climb out my car I grab my bag and put it on my shoulder. I then close the door and put my hood on. As I enter the school I hear whispers and thankfully none are about me, but I also notice that almost everyone here is a werewolf. She was right there are a lot of them here. I go to the office and as I enter I scan the room. I go to the front desk and after clearing my throat the lady there finally looks up at me. She asks "Hi, Are you the new student?" I nod my head and she hands me my schedule. As I'm walking out she says "Have a nice day sweetie!" I just give her a thumbs up and keep walking.

After a few minutes I found my locker. I opened it with ease and put the things I need to put in there. I gathered everything else and started to head to first period which is science. The warning bell rung meaning I only have five minutes to get to class. After two minutes I found the classroom. As I walk into the room the whole class turns to look at me and I just pull my hood down even further. The teacher looks at me then says, "you must be the new girl" I just nod in reply. "Well hi I'm Mrs. McGovern you can take one of the seats in the back row." I nod and sit in the back behind a short girl with dirty blonde hair and next to nobody on the right but some random person sleeping on the left. I pull out a notebook and pencil and wait for the lesson to get started.


Finally its lunch time I can eat something. I go on the lunch line and get two slices of pizza, a apple, and a fruit punch. I find a table in the back of the cafeteria near a window. I sit down and stay in the shadow of the light. As I finish eating I notice the cafeteria has gone quiet. I look a what everyone is looking at and I see a group of boys. They are in some type of formation but it looks like they are missing someone. Just by the looks of it they are missing their leader and they are the bad boys of the school. So I ignore them and finish eating. As I get up to leave and throw away my garbage the noise of the cafeteria come back and the boys are sitting in at a table near the trash cans and the exit. Oh well. As I throw away my trash I can feel all of the boys looking at me, there gaze burning into the back of my head as if asking me to turn around and look at them. I denied them of that satisfaction and walked out the door to go to the library.

Soon enough its time for art class. I exit the library and head to the art room. I enter the art room and take a seat in the back. Soon the class filled in and the teacher finally walked in. Her name is Ms. Ritoe. She puts her papers down and waited for the class to settled down. Few seconds later everyone is settled and ready to get started. Ms. Ritoe then says "Ok class today you will draw something related to nature" she then passes out the paper and things to color your drawing. She stands in front of the room and says "you may now begin" then she goes and sits down at her desk.

Finally after an hour I finished. The kid next to me turns and looks to it astonished. He then looks at me and says "that is beautiful" I nod and stand up to turn it in. As I reach the desk the teacher looks up and put her hand out to see the artwork. She looks at it and her eyes widened in astonishment. She then looks at me and says "this is breathtaking and you did it in a short amount of time, would u like to start another one" i just nod. We have 30 minutes left I should be able to at let finish the sketching part no problem. She gave me another some more paper and supplies. I walk back to my desk and to start the other one.


When I finally got home I put my keys on the hock grabbed a snack and went straight to my room. I pulled out my work and did it all in two hours. I then change into my old sweat pants and a t-shirt and head out to the back yard where I started gardening. Few three hours I was finally done and ready for a nice long bath. After my bath I put on some pjs and started having a Teen Wolf marathon.

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