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The florid color splashed against her body from the cold corpse as each limb was ripped off like a doll with stitched body parts. For a ghoul, it was a delectable sight. For a CCG member watching their friend being torn apart, it was a sight he could only imagine in hell.

But this was the reality of what the world became. Most of us didn't want to be born like this. Most of us don't enjoy ripping families apart.

But some of us demented ones, love every second of it. We love tasting the sweet crimson liquid that came out of a screaming body. We love the last few pleads of help before we get to witness the life leave their eyes. We love the terror that's left on them.

That's why some of us work to be given the titles we have. We love to be feared. We love to be the monsters we are.


"Nefarious, glad you could make it", the accent that laced in her voice made it so we couldn't miss who it was.

"Happy to be at your assistance my lady", I bowed at who our group of ghouls called Mother Death.

"You should be honored, besides that my dear, I have a task for you", she walked down from her throne and stood in front of me.

"What would that be ma'am?"

"I need you to kill an investigator, Juuzou Suzuya, little killer from Big Madam, you remember him correct, Rei, he works for the CCG now, found out he was the one that killed Zero, I know how much you love revenge and making people suffer, so I believe this job, fits you best", she was circling me.

"I will do as told Ma'am, you can count on me", she stood in front of me as I bowed and walked out of her room.

'So Rei joined the CCG, that's a shocker'

But I guess he's called Juuzou now. Juuzou Suzuya, What a peculiar name.

I was looking down, it was sprinkling, the sound of it was very faint but provided enough noise to know it was there.

Not paying attention to where I was going, someone bumped into me.

"Watch it", I said looking at the idiot. He was a white haired male, he had very pale skin, and stitches along his body.

"Oh sorry, guess I'm just a little clumsy", he turned around kept walking. I rolled my eyes and continued to walk.

He looked strange. Smelled good but was very strange. He gave off the weird psychotic vibe.

...I love it.

You would probably think I live in a hideout with the rest of my buddy's, like the Aogiri tree. No, I live in a box apartment.

One bedroom, living room, kitchen, bathroom and that's it. Great for just, one person.

Most in the group that the CCG named, The Kingdom of Tragedies, lives away from each other. We do have a base, some live there, most live away, but it's underground.

The CCG really does have stupid names. Calling me Nefarious, what kind of name is that. I mean, Ayato's is pretty stupid as well. The Rabbit, please, that makes him sound weak.

Well, I guess the kid is weak.

I felt my pocket and found that my wallet was gone. I was pick pocketed. Probably that dumbass that bumped into me. Well, I don't really need the money anyways. Not like I buy anything. Only had 12 bucks in it.

I unlocked my front door and walked in. It was cold. The apartment was pretty empty. The only food that there was, was a tomato and bread. Only drink was coffee. Because, what else can I drink?

I walked into my room and turned on the tv switching to the news channel to see what commotion my kind has caused these days.

"-one step closer to finding out who the Ghoul, Nefarious, is after finding a photo of a boy, at the scene of the attack", I scoffed. I wasn't on the radar. I wasn't in any government documents. The CCG or anybody working with them, knew nothing about me. The only thing they knew was, I was a girl. (Sorry if you're a boy)

The photo isn't mine. I placed it there to confuse them, sometimes you have to create your own entertainment.

"Ha, idiots."

"Here is the interview we have with an investigator on Nefarious's case."

It switched to a woman with blonde hair and a man that was the interviewer.

"Nice to have you here Ma'am."

"Pleasure to be here", I've seen her before. Yeah, yeah, oh yeah, ha, I killed her sister. I loved the look of fear and pain that was on her face.

"Now we have a couple questions on the case, if you wouldn't mind?"

"I'll try to answer them as best as I can because I can't say much", the man nodded.

"Why didn't you drop out of this case after the huge attack?"

"In that attack, my sister was killed by this Ghoul, uh, her death actually made me want to bring Nefarious down, it took something so painful, to let me see why I took this job in the first place, I don't want anyone else to feel the way I did", I laughed.

"I see, I'm sorry for your loss, what have you gotten on Nefarious so far?"

"Um, I can't say much but I can say, this Ghoul is an absolute monster, I remember that, she has a half mask, it only covers her eyes, the image that I can never erase from my mind is the sinister smile that she gave me after she killed most of my comrades, uh, she is very quick and very stealthy, we actually have almost no information on her", the man nodded.

"Have there been any recent sightings of her from you?"

"I have not seen her in a couple weeks, she has actually been off the radar for almost a month now, but I have a feeling she'll turn up soon", I smirked.

"Damn right I am, my turn to hunt, tomorrow night."

"Well our time is actually up, thank you very much for answering our questions", they shook hands.

"Before I go, to the viewers at home please stay safe, never leave the house at night, always carry a weapon with you, something to defend yourselves, just stay as safe as possible", the news switched back.

"What a dumbass, forgot to mention they need quinque steel to actually hurt us", I turned it off and opened my laptop.

"Time to, do some research on this confident bitch", I pulled up her file on the CCG website.

"Akira Mado, 21, father, Kureo Mado, special case, The Nefarious Case, Rank two investigator, interesting", it was pretty easy to hack the systems and gain the information of whoever we wanted.

"So I'm a special case...not really they're just not smart enough to figure anything out."

"Hm, now that I'm here...Juuzou...Suzuya", I typed in his name and it popped up his profile.

"Juuzou Suzuya, 19, huh, like me, Rank 3, only? Mother Death said he was strong though", I pulled up his picture.

"What the hell", it looked exactly like that guy that bumped into me. I read the entire information it had displayed.

"Wishes to be on The Nefarious case", I closed the laptop and put it back under my bed.

"Mother Fucker", I fell back on my bed and placed my hands over my head.

"Just...chill out Y/N, this is gonna be easy, just, chill out", I let out a breath and hit the bed.

I can't help but feel...that this ain't going to be an easy task. There's going to be a lot of blood spilled. And half of it is going to be my fault.

...but it's just a gut feeling.

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