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"Loser, where's Eto," Ayato jumped at my voice.

"First, don't call me a fucking loser, second, why would I know?!"

"Watch your mouth rabbit, remember what happened last time."

He 'tched' and pointed down the hall. I ruffled his hair before leaving making him slap my hand.

Walking down the halls, I could here fast footsteps all around me from every direction. It was either rats, or simply other ghouls trying to see who's walking around.

I heard a quiet giggle, that was surely Eto. I opened the door to the room I heard it from and there she was.

"I knew she was here, see Tatara, Nefarious gives off that deadly vibe," Tatara gave me his usual stare as I simply smirked at him.

The man wasn't the most fond of me, he thought I was too, 'extreme'.

"What brings you here, Nefarious?"

Eto stood in front of me. She was wearing her purple cloak, making it impossible for me to see any part of her.

"Can't a woman come see her comrade?"

Eto giggled. "I guess so, but you never step foot near us unless you want something."

My smirk vanished off my face.

"I need ideas ma'am, I've been assigned to a CCG investigator by Mother Death, I was hoping to come here and to get some help."

Eto stood there for a couple seconds before taking my hand and taking me with her. She was skipping towards a damaged door.

"I need you to meet someone very...special."

She opened the door, my eyes landed on a tall man with blonde hair. When he turned around he smiled, one that only an insane person would have. He had a crazed look in his eyes.

"This is Yamori, or as the doves call h-Jason, yeah, I know, I've read file after file about him," Yamori chuckled deeply at my serious face.

"The Nefarious interested into what the CCG has to say about the 13 wards Jason, how sweet," I looked away from him.

"If you're looking for torture methods, this is who you can talk to," Eto didn't leave, I felt that she didn't trust the man.

"Oh torture, you seem like the type to just kill, you have no fun, since you don't know anything about this, how about, I don't know, mutilating every single space of skin you can possibly see until they're begging for mercy, or, a bat is always nice to hit a body with," I tried to hide my smirk. But it still fell upon my face.

"I see you like those, so that's all I'm going to give you, now leave, I'm busy," Eto pushed me out. I looked to my right to see Ayato with a disturbed look.

"Being nosy are we now bunny," the teen glared at me as hard as he could.

"If you don't want to be disturbed, don't listen to what you aren't meant to hear," walking past him, I shoulder checked him, leaving the building. Avoiding every Ghoul I could.

Back at Home

"Onēchan! I missed you so much, don't leave me for so long ever again," Elli came out of the bedroom and clung to my legs.

Two Tragedies (Juuzou x reader)Where stories live. Discover now