Chapter 11- Goat

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Chapter 11- Goat
Mia's POV

Honestly, running away from him wasn't as hard as I expected it to be. I thought there would men running around trying to find me, or if they actually do find me, they would place a gun against my forehead and threaten me, but until now, nothing like that happened.

I walk out on the streets, dressed up in my pajamas. Ok fine, not mine but the hotel's. I look around at the small stores around each corner. So many cars were passing by in both the directions. I just hope one of these cars is a taxi or something.

Where does my luck go when I seriously need it? I can't find any fucking taxies, and I really need one right now. I walked further more and suddenly, a car stopped right in front of me. The window rolls down and a head pops out, "hey, are you lost?" She asks,

"Yeah I am. I actually need to go back home." I reply,

"Do you want me to give you a ride? I mean I can drive you back home if you just give me your address."

"Umm how do I know that you're not a serial killer and will probably take me to an abandoned building to slaughter me like a goat?" I ask bluntly, making her chuckle.

"I don't really think I'd be able to do, I'll faint if I see blood, so it's safe to say that you can trust me." She replies,

Should I trust her? She seems nice and all so I don't think there'll be any problem. Right? I shake my thoughts and walk around the car to walk to the passenger seat. Yeah I'm going with a damn stranger and am telling her my address, but right now, I'm really desperate to go back home.

She looks ahead and starts driving after I told my address, "so, what's your name?" She asks, trying to make small talk,

"I'm Mia. Mia Olsen. And you are?"

"I'm Abigail Smith."

"Well nice to meet you Abigail."

"Nice to meet you too. If you don't mind me asking, what were you doing out there?"

"Oh I was just kidnapped and brought to the hotel where I stayed with my kidnapper and then I ran away from my him because he was being an ass, explaining why I was roaming around like a lost child outside."

Just kidding! You guys really think I'd say that? I wouldn't.

"I was just waiting for my friend who was supposed to drive me back home." I lied, and she nods understandingly.


After talking about many things, many random things might I add, she finally stopped in front of my building. I turn to look at her and hug her, "thank you so much to drive me here."

"You're welcome Mia. At least helping you get back home helped me find a new friend." She says, "oh and my building is somewhere round here, so if you wanna hangout, just give me a call."

"And how exactly am I supposed to do that?" I ask,

"Like this, what's your phone number?"

"Umm I actually don't have a phone anymore." Thanks to that asshole. "I accidentally dropped it and it broke." Lies.

"Oh it's alright. At least I know now where you live. Maybe we could hangout some other time."

"Yeah sure." I hug her one last time and leave the car to walk towards the building. Oh how much I missed this place is unbelievable. Once I walk into the elevator and push the button to the eighth floor, I started getting really excited because I'll finally see Liam. I missed him so much, y'all can't even imagine it.

I leave the elevator and ring the bell, waiting for Liam to open the door. After minutes of waiting and ringing the bell, the door finally opened and here he is, my best friend, and my brother from another mother.



Aye so she finally met him, how nice is that right? Do you think that Ashton will at least try to find her? Comment and vote ;)

*dips Oreo into the milk and takes a bite* oh wait, you want some? I mean the that was the last but like I have milk so...

Quote:"I just have to say it once. You just need to hear it. I love you, Elena. And it's because I love you that I can't be selfish with you... I don't deserve you, but my brother does. God, i wish you don't have to forget this... But, you do."
- Damon Salvatore

Sending love your way

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