Chapter 29- Cupcakes and Rainbows

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Chapter 29- Cupcakes and Rainbows
Ashton's POV

Bucket List

Wish #1- go to Disneyland ✔️
Wish #2- Jump off a cliff ✔️
Wish #3- Explore a cave ✔️
Wish #4- Play a game of paintball ✔️
Wish #5- Scuba dive ✔️
Wish #6- Sky dive ✔️
Wish #7- Ride a hot air balloon ✔️
Wish #8- Wrap a snake around my neck ✔️
Wish #9- Kiss in the rain ✔️
Wish #10- Watch the sunrise and sunset in one day ✔️
Wish #11- Walk on a black sand beach ✔️
Wish #12- Roll in a huge pile of leaves ✔️
Wish #13- Swim with dolphins ✔️
Wish #14- Swim with sharks ✔️
Wish #15- Get a customer kicked out ✔️
Wish #16- steal something from a store ✔️
Wish #17- Get into a car chase
Wish #18- Get kidnapped ✔️
Wish #19- Get Drugged ✔️
Wish #20- Slap or beat up a really dangerous man.
Wish #21- learn three new languages ✔️
Wish #22- hold an actual gun✔️
Wish #23- attend a very important event ✔️
Wish #24- Get into an actual fight with a badass professional fighter (woman) ✔️
Wish #25- see someone get shot at right in front of my eyes
Wish #26- make a very important deal with a very dangerous man
Wish #27- help a gangster accomplish his goal

Woah, looks like this girl is up to something. She has completed some of these, thanks to me. Seeing her bucket list, just makes me come to a conclusion;

She has lived an amazing life, but she clearly has a death wish.

I flip though some more pages. I know, I know, I shouldn't even be touching this book, but I'm really intrigued now. I really wanna know what goes on into that crazy mind and life of hers.

A decorative page caught my eye, so I decided to read it.

July 31st,
Dear diary, or journal, or whatever you are...

Today, I'm gonna write something very different. Usually, I write about my happy days and something happy. But today, I'm gonna write something different, because today is the day I finally realize, that the world isn't all cupcakes and rainbows.

Today is the day, I was diagnosed with breast cancer-

My eyes widen,

-see, told ya that this is would be something very different. The doctor said that I'd only have two months two live, but tomorrow's a new month, meaning that I'll just have one month left. Sad right?

I thought, I'd be able to live at least a 100 years, and probably be able to see my grandchildren have children. I don't know. Sounds crazy right?

I mean, at least I have two months to live, and complete my bucket list. Well, that's only if I actually do find a gangster. At least I'll die knowing that I completely my bucket list. That would be a peaceful death.

In case you're wondering if I told Liam about my condition, then no, I didn't. He'd be broken if I told him this, and I can't see that happen. He's my brother. Well, brother from another mother but still, I can't break him, he's been through a lot.

Thank god my parents died. You think I'm the worst possible person to even say something like that, but I'm saying that because at least they wouldn't have to face this day, this day where they get to know that their only child is gonna die at such a young age.

It's so weird that I'm not even crying, it's because now, I just wanna live my life happily and find my Flynn Rider or Aladdin someday. Someday before I die.

I decorated this page so it wouldn't look as depressing as it actually is. Well, that's it for now, sorry if I made you cry crumpled papers. From now on, everything I write would be happy and just happy. Love you my dear book who kept all my dirty secrets.

Buh- bye. Love you lots,

Wait why am I writing my name? This is my book. Silly me. Bye. *blows a kiss*

*cries a bucket* how sad is that! Sorry to just throw this bomb right at your face, but it was supposed to happen. Comment and vote:(

Quote:"I love those who can smile in trouble, who can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection. 'Tis the business of little minds to shrink, but they whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves their conduct, will pursue their principles unto death."
- Leonardo da Vinci

Sending love your way

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