Chapter 2

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My droopy, sleep filled eyes are awakened but thoughts that flood my head only to leave me feeling dizzy and confused. A harsh throb admitting from my wrist pulls me in full alert as I remember last nights mystery delivery. The band has somehow absorbed into my skin leaving only the light glow of the timer showing the countdown for some unknown encounter. I was going to consider this maybe being a joke but I think I'll leave that thought aside. Everything else seems pretty normal so I guess that nothing else has radically changed thank goodness. 

Miffy, my cat, rubs his soft head against mine in desperation for me to get up and feed him. I scoop him into my arms and carry him downstairs to his bowls. In one bowl I place a sachet of his favourite tuna and in the other a little bit of milk with a spot of water. 

I finish breakfast and clean up before saying goodbye and leaving for school. Melody is waiting outside my house like usual on every Tuesday and I can see that she has already picked up Tain.

"So Rose, what shall be the first song of today's ride?" I give a little laugh at the way she choices her tone with words and reply with just as much expression.

"Well since you asked, I think that we should listen to 'In the arms of a stranger' by Mike Posner ft. Grey. What do you think?"

They both give me a knowing stare that turns into laughter, Melody plays the song and we all sing along to the lyrics and the many other songs we listen to on the way to school. Though when we do arrive at school, something seems off.

Everyone starts to stare at the three of us as we walk down the main corridor, there must be a new kid trailing a small distance behind us because this much attention towards us is almost nonexistent. I take a quick glance over my shoulder and become confused at the sight of the same old people I know for a fact have been attending this school since I first started.

I turn my head to Melody, she seems completely oblivious as to what is happening. I guess I'm just seeing stuff. But Tain notice's it too, he looks uncomfortable but is trying to accept the sudden change. What is going on?


First and second period, English. Oh, what fun. Though to be honest, we're working on film theory and I don't particularly mind this topic considering we get to watch a movie during class. Mr Falden is reasonably nice when he's in a good mood and luckily, most of the time he is. Tain is in this class with me and we're both shifting in our seats quite a lot. As soon as Tain and myself walked into class to sit down, we immediately got separated by a random crowd of students and not only that but it was as though it were roughly planned. 

Tain continues to try and talk to me but people, seemingly on purpose, get in the way. Why?? What have we done? I stand up whilst the teacher is distracted by other classmates and make my way over to Tain. I'm a metre away when Zean blocks my way.

"Hey, come and sit next to me for the rest of the period."

"Um, why?" The first time one of the popular students has even bothered to talk to me and it just had to be now. He rubs the back of his neck and looks around to his friends for support, clearly not as brave as what he claims.

"Because I want to talk, uh like get to know you? I mean we've never actually had a conversation and I'd like to start one."

"Right. Okay, but can I please just-" I get cut off by Mr Falden, just great.

"Sit down now please you two, and get back to work."

I walk back to my seat to collect my books and place them on the seat next to Zean, almost instantly the students in the seats in front of me turn to share a short and intimidating glimpse at me. At least now I'm a few seats closer to Tain. I'll wait until class ends to talk to him but this weird shit better stop because it's starting to creep me out, maybe the ticking time bomb on my wrist is the cause but I highly dought it.

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