Chapter 3

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The rest of the week goes by in a rough breeze, cold and disheartening. Unexpected acts continued but I tried my best to push them away and having someone new to talk to really helped with that. Eric actually walked me home the entire week and throughout that time I got to know him a little each day, turns out he isn't that shy after all, just shielded.

Melody didn't talk as much after I invited Eric over to sit with us but Tain was more than happy with it. As Tain would say, 'Fresh Meat'. How did I even manage to befriend that guy? Oh, what a world. I give a slight giggle to the thought just before I walk the halls of the school. The odd stares have died down but every once and a while I'll catch someone at the corner of an eye.

"Hey, Sofia. So you know last week how we were working on that science project?"

"Eric hey, yeah what about it? Did you find out our grading?"

"Hell yeah I did! We got an A!"

"Wait really?? Awesome!"

We walk to our lockers and discuss what we did on the weekend. I've found it surprisingly easy to open up to Eric, he was shy at first but now he seems totally capable of sharing everything with me as if he's known me for years. It's actually really comforting. We meet up with Mel and Tain before we split into our own classes for the first two periods. 


The clock ticks with hesitation as if it were purposely moving slow. And suddenly everything stops, I'm in a different class at what looks like a different school yet I have no control over my body. Maths I presume but I was just in art, maybe this is all a dream which would be considered weird because I shouldn't feel this awake in a state of sleep. The classroom doesn't look quite as modern as the one I was currently in but the tension seems almost related to a horrid memory, though nothing of my own past could compare except for one and this certainly isn't it.

As if the device on my wrist were in sync with the rest of my body, I am what feels like pulled out of the mysterious dream and back into reality where I hear the bell ring violently in my ear. The furious thumping of my temples causes me to stumble, luckily though it starts to drastically die down. What even was that... That, 'dream'? It sure didn't feel like any dream I've ever experienced before. Out of thin air, a familiar voice jumps into my ears only a few metres away.

"Hey, Rose. Melody, Tain and I were wondering if you would be down to join us to see a movie tonight?"

Eric stands in the doorway of the classroom, I begin to question how long I have been here before replying to the actual question needing an answer.

"Yeah sure, sounds great. What time?"

"We were thinking to meet at the cinema at six thirty then we have time to buy our tickets and food before the movie starts. Is that okay?

"Perfect. Okay well, I'm hungry and would really like some food, lets head to the cafeteria."

Each step closer to the cafeteria brings the smell of food closer and closer that I can hardly stand to wait any longer, especially because the school actually cooks half decent food which is a major plus. I sit next to Tain and Eric sits next to Mel.

We eat our food whilst figuring out tonight's movie plans, the four of us eventually decide on a movie that we all want to see and agree not to change it before it's too late. The bells signal's for the next two periods and I head to the library for my free period to study.


I place my bag down and sit in a free seat in front of a relatively cleared table apart from a few odd books. I have maths next so I guess I'll prepare for that pile load of work I know for a fact I'll be handed. Generally, the library has a veritable amount of people around this period making it in truth a tad cramped as space isn't that extraordinary in here but thankfully it is particularly quiet most of the time.

I'm lost in thought and before I can prepare myself, the next period starts. I walk to maths within less than a minute as the classroom is fairly close to the library. I see Melody waiting for me at the door with a casual grin and smile back at her before entering the classroom, sitting at a desk together. A hefty amount of work is thrown at us and we work on solving most of it before the bell rings for lunch.

The images from my last class refresh in my brain again, I was probably just remembering that I had maths today. That's the most logical explanation so far, the only one needed hopefully. A hand is placed on my shoulder, shaking me away from my thoughts.

"Rose? Are you feeling alright? You seem sort of out of it."

I come back into focus, "Yeah no I was just in a daze, that's all. Confusing day, well week actually but I'm good. Do you wanna head to mine and get ready there before the movies?"

"I guess I could, sure. I'll be at your house at about 4:15, I have an appointment beforehand so I'd have to come after that."

"No worries, I feel like it would be a good time to catch up again with each other." It's odd, Mel and I haven't hung out as often as we use to. That's really not like us. We talk, actually no, we did talk almost every day but something changed and I'm not sure what or why. I don't remember doing anything.


Melody appears a lot chirper now, I'm happy she's back to being her normal self around me.


My final class for the day goes by in a smooth breeze, I clear up my books and worksheets from the table and walk calmly out of the room towards my locker. Placing everything neatly in the locker I begin my walk home from school with Eric. We split off as soon as we reach my house and say goodbye, well for now anyway. 

I walk inside to the warmth and decide to have a shower before Melody arrives which means I have roughly less than an hour maybe 45mins, more than enough time to get that done. Closing and locking the door behind me in the bathroom, I go ahead and get undressed after turning on the taps. The steamy air creates a delightful warmth against my skin as I let the water pour down on me. But that stops and I stop, falling to the bottom of the shower. I faint, only to wake up again somewhere else. I can hear sirens approaching as if they were meant for me, it's so dark I can't really tell though. 

A banging downstairs pulls me back to reality, I lift myself up and reveal a nasty cut on my leg from how I fell. Shit, I need to cover this. The banging continues, I presume that's Melody but I haven't even been home long. I glance at my phone and see that it's 4:21 pm. How is that even possible? As quickly as I can with only a towel wrapped around me, I race downstairs and open the door. But it's not Melody.


"Yes, I know this is unexpected but I need to talk to you like now."

Unexpected? Well yeah, but he could of at least given me a bit of warning. "Um okay so you're here but Mel said she was coming over almost 10mins ago so do you know where she is?"

"Rose, listen. When I tell you this, you're not going to care about where Melody is. Not even a little. I just need to know one thing, do you trust me?"

What in the fuck is going on? Tain is never this serious, not ever. Well except when he's talking about guys but that's a whole other story.

"Tain, I don't know what's going on with you and all this but I trust you okay? Just breath because you're starting to freak me out."

Tain face is filled with rage as he comes up to my face and stops only inches away, he yanks at my right arm to reveal the timer. I tug my arm back but his grip is too strong.

"I know what this is, so would you like me to help you or not?"

How would he even know, it's not like it was obvious. I never displayed it and made sure to hide it. I did everything I could and thought I was doing well not to let anyone know... What is going to happen to me I mean the instructions clearly said no one is to know. But if Tain doesn't tell anyone I should be fine.

"Tain, you can't tell a soul. Something could-" He cuts me off before I can finish.

"I know Rose because I'm an experiment too."

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