Chapter 4

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Tain gives me time to get dressed before asking me to sit down on the couch to listen to his unbelievable explanation, just hearing and processing all of this information is making me feel tipsy. It's almost hard to believe but Tain has the same ticking wrist to a timer that could lead to anything, though for him it's different.

"Rose, your future occurrence is to meet someone. Mine is in two parts, the first part is simple but the second could be the reason I die. I just don't know how or why yet."

Okay, I thought that I was the one in danger but that was just me being inconsiderate. Stupid me, Tain could die.

"Look, whatever this is at least we have each other to go through this so lets, for now, make sure nobody finds out and just try to survive this shit. Sound like a plan?"

"Sure does."

We give each other a reassuring smile and I hug him on the way out the door. I have at least another hour and a bit to finish getting ready for the movie, hopefully, that will be less stressful than that conversation. 


As quickly as I can I find a decent pair of black boots to slip on and race out the door after saying goodbye to sam. I'm a few meters from the door when I notice a figure leaning against a car waiting for me. I walk over to Eric and before I can say anything he opens the door for me to hop in.


He gives me a charming smile in return and walks back around to the driver's side and gets in. Eric never told me that he would be picking me up but I guess it's better than walking there in the cold so I'll take it. We sit in an awkward silence for what feels like forever before he eventually speaks up first.

"Uh, sorry I didn't call to tell you that I'd give you a lift I just thought I'd surprise you I guess."

He's acting kind of off, sort of like he's back to the person I first meet in class and it's a little concerning considering I thought we were becoming quite close friends with each other, so why all of a sudden is he sounding nervous?

"No, it's fine. I'm glad that you turned up, otherwise, I would have walked and frozen to death in this stupidly cold weather." He laughs a little at that but his expression of joy fades fast. "Hey, is everything alright? You seem stressed and also a little nervous from the sounds of it."

Eric gives me a quick glance but looks back to the road, clearly not wanting to give an answer straight away. Or at all for that matter, so when he doesn't reply I let it go and wait for this already dead quiet car ride to be over. 

When we do arrive, Melody and Tain are already there waiting for us. I share a brief look at Tain which is clearly about our talk earlier. Dashing inside the theatre before we have to stay outside any longer, we make sure to get seats in the same row then pay for the tickets and food before heading into the cinema. I find myself being seated next to Eric, being in the end seat he is the only one next to me.

The movie begins. Halfway through, I catch Eric staring at me and he immediately turns back to the screen. Not even five minutes after that, he carefully stands up and leaves the cinema. What was that about? Something is obviously up and I need to find out what. With that, I get out of my seat and follow the way I saw him heading.

I find Eric standing just outside the door, not even a shiver to his bare skin. He turns to me as I stand beside him moments later.

"You should go back inside, it's freezing out here. Also, you're missing the movie."

"Well I could say the same for you but you just took the words out of my mouth."

We both share a laugh at my clear sarcasm. But he suddenly stops.

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