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~POV Edna ~

Finally a school activity that makes me closer to my friends 😍

No one will ever know how much is my happiness😌

In the moment I'm pulling my best friends Julis and Kate to the signing in area😙

I'm soooo happy , and exited 😆


~POV Kate~

This is really so annoying how Edna pulling me there 😒

Ugh i don't wanna go to a place like that 😣

So boring 😫


~POV Julis ~

Even though it's so annoying how Edna is pulling us 😑

Just like potato sacs😒

But i like how exited she is , just because we will stay for 20 days together in the forest 😌🙂



So Edna continued that till she reached to that teacher sitting on a desk

Edna😊 : excuse me sir , i wanna sign in for three ppl

Teacher😒 : your names plz

Edna 😊: Edna

kate😑 : Kate

Julis 🙂: Julis

After they left that place

Kate 😒: let's go to any coffee shop

Julis😟: what's with that face

Kate😑 : ask the potato sac holder

Said Kate while looking to Edna

Who panicked and laughed an awkward laugh

Julis🤦🏾‍♀️ : Kate don't do that , u know how much she wanted us to come with her

Kate 🤷🏼‍♀️: whatever , actually I'm kind of happy that i came , so i don't have to go with my family to those boring places in the vacation

Edna 😅: I'm so sorry guys , u know , i was gonna cry 😞 till the end of the vacation , if u didn't come to the camp

Julis 😊: it's ok Edna , right Kate -kicks kate's shoulder , with her elbow-

Kate😖 : ya , ya , don't u feel both of u r overreacting

Edna 😂 : ya , let's just go to the cafe

Then they went to nearby Starbucks cafe


In the next day

Julis through the phone😑 : ya , ya , I'm coming , have only 5 mins to reach you

~In Edna's house~

Kate 😒: this girl is always late in everything

Edna😠 : as if she controls the time she takes to do something

Kate 😑: what , ugh shut up Edna

~the doorbell ring~

When Edna open the door

She attacks Julis with a hug

Kate pulls Edna away of Julis

Kate😏 : did u bring the things

Julis 😉: of course

Edna 😆: yay

Then they entre Edna's room

And all of them gets out of her bag

*pajamas. *dresses. *toys.
*sleeping bags. *some accessories

Edna😯 : awesome , i didn't expect all these things

Julis :😙 let's just finish

Kate 🙂: ok , what will we take , and what not

And they began arranging and planning to the camp together


In the trip's day

Julis and Kate were in the class chatting in existence waiting Edna

When Edna entered the class , she screamed excitedly

And all the class looked at her

So she just went to Julis and Kate while she's embarrassed

Kate 😑 : won't u stop ur stupidity

Edna 😂 : lol No

Julis😁: I'm so exited

Edna 😂 : me more

Kate 😑 😂: so obvious


In the bus

They were having a lot of fun

And sang a lot of songs


When they reached the camping area

They felt the clean fresh air

Pumping there faces

They took about 2 hours to arrange the place

They were in groups so they can finish faster

Most girls were cooking and making the tents

While boys were collecting sticks for fire

And help in moving the bags

The place was so crowded and full of noises

When it was a free time

Julis and Kate were chatting as usual

While Edna was roaming around

She saw a crowd of students

So she called Julis and Kate

And the crowd was about


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