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~POV Edna~

What happened ...

I'm in the medial of the forest


why the hell is Kate so exited about every single thing

She is a weirdo


~POV Julis~

Oh Kate

Why do you always do this to me

Ugh , and i left Edna alone

I hope she is ok

I'm sure 100% that she will kill me and Kate


~POV Kate~

Where did this stupid thing go

I'm sure i saw something

But where is it

-after she realized-


What did i do

Wait wait ...

I ran in to the forest

Julis chased me , i guess , but i didn't see her behind me

And Edna was calling her

Wait that means Edna is alone

😂 she will kill me

But where is Julis



While Kate was realizing what she just did

She began to laugh when she knew that Edna is alone

So she tried to get back

But whoops

The forest is all similar

She won't find the way back

But even though she tried

Julis was searching for Kate

She was so sure Kate came through this place

But she vanished

So she just thought she have to return back to Edna

Feeling guilty to leave the most scared girl alone

But whoops

The forest is all similar

She won't find the way back

But even though she tried

Edna didn't have anything

Except staying in her place shaking, from fear and cold

She was also sure Julis and Kate will come back

They know she had fears from everything

They won't leave her

Or will they

In another place

Specifically the "camp"

The boys , Nicole and Jennifer , were kind of scared

When they found that the girls had to come back an hour ago

Troy : I'm so sure it's just a prank

Nicole: Maybe yes , as Kate loves scaring people

Jennifer : but the weird is , Edna fears from everything, she won't ever stay in the forest for along time , specially when it gets dark

Zian : maybe they have took torches or some food

Nicole : no , they didn't, they did what you told and they took only their phones

Jennifer : by the way why did we have to take the phone

Troy : so you can see the time

Jennifer : ugh

-after 30 mins-

Nicole : that's it I'm telling the teachers

Zian tried to stop her

But she already went

When Nicole told one of the teachers

He punished Troy and Zian by telling them to go find them , and if anything happened to them , they will be expelled

Teacher : also , Yugi , go with them

Yugi : why teacher , i wasn't with them

Teacher : i know , but because i don't trust them , and you are one of the smartest people go with them , so they won't do anything

Yugi : ok Sir

Suddenly while Kate was walking

Trying to find the way back

A huge stone fell from the sky

To fall just in front of her

So due to that

She was thrown away

To fall in front of a cave's opening

While Julis was walking

She saw an asteroid falling down

She felt so scared

When she heard it falling down

It was just like a bomb's sound

Without recognizing

She began to run

Hoping this thing is away of her friends

Also Edna heard that sound

How won't she

The sound is loud

So she just suddenly stood up

And she felt more scared than she was


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