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~POV Kate~


I just woke up

I guess

My head is paining so badly

Where am i

Wait what happened

I stood up

To find in front of me

A big cave

I don't know how

But i feel it's calling me to entre

I guess it's a spirit 😂

Whatever i will entre

~POV Julis~

I'm still running everywhere

Searching for my friends

It feels like a maze

I'm so scared now

Specially after it became dark

As it is been night now

I hope they are alright

~POV Edna~

I'm scared

I'm alone

I'm cold

I'm sick

I'm shaking

Why did they do that to me



Troy 😤: ugh where would they go

Zain 😒: anywhere , they are just some dump creatures

And they continued chatting

While totally ignoring Yugi

Troy 😑: if we continued like that , we won't find them , what was there names

Yugi 😒: Edna , Julis , and Kate

Zain 😒: by the way , why are you in silence mood

Yugi 😤: are you gonna talk forever , we need to find them , we are here for half an hour and we didn't do anything

Then they heared a crying sound

Troy 😦: what was that

Yugi😕 : who is there


Something jumps from up the tree to in front of them

Edna 😞: it's ...

But stopped her , Zain's screaming

While Troy stood in a fighting position

And Yugi returned back in surprise

Edna😒 : stop screaming like girls , it's me Edna

Troy😐 : oh that's you , the nerdy girl, where are the others

Edna 😢: i don't know , they vanished , plus what are you doing here

Yugi 😒: teacher told us to search for you

Edna😧 : you didn't find them

Troy 😑: nope

Yugi 😐: what do you mean vanished

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2017 ⏰

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