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~POV Julis~

While i was chatting with kate , i felt so bored , we started to talk about the same thing all the time

We need something new to talk about

While i was just gonna say something

Edna called us



When Edna called Kate and Julis

Kate 😐 : i guess it's important

Julis 😑 : whatever , i feel bored , let's see

When they went to the crowd they asked Edna

Edna😀 : Troy and Zian think girls are so weak and making fun of the girls , Nicole got really angry , and they began fighting, if Jennifer wasn't there they would have killed each other 😂

Troy 😏: ok i dare u to stay in the forest for two whole hours without anything except ur phone

Julis whispering to Edna😂 : oh my ... why did they do that to them selves

Edna replying by whispering🤣: i know right

Kate 😏: i wanna entre the dare too

That made Edna and Julis shock

Kate 😅: with my friends

And she pulled them closer to her

Which made them be more shocked

And made Troy's smile wider

Troy 😏: ok

Julis pulled Kate and Edna away

Julis😱 : what the hell did you say

Kate 😁: didn't you say you are bored

Edna 😰: what about me , why did you interfere me

Kate 😑: ugh , girly girls

Julis 😒: excuse me , i am a girl

Edna 😤: it's not a big deal , just staying in the forest for two hours , with nothing except a phone

Kate 😅: guys we are for it

And straights her hand to the centre

Julis 😒: if anything happens to me i will put all the responsibility on you

And puts her hand on Kate's

Kate 😀: whatever , Edna don't make me down

Edna 😞: ok

And put her hand on there hands


The girls already enters the forest

After telling the teachers they are just walking

Edna was totally terrified of everything

Kate was kinda excited , and wanted to explore the place , hoping she will find an awesome creepy mysterious thing

But also she felt bored

While Julis was just following Kate while Edna sticking to her

Julis😫 : Edna plz i need to breathe freely

Edna😖 : I'm so sorry , I'm just so scared

Kate😤 : of what ! This is just a so boring pl... ,😮 wait did u see that

Kate changed what she was gonna say , when she saw a shiny thing moving super fast through the trees

Edna😒 : stop that i know it's one of your pranks

But kate just followed the thing she saw

Julis😲 : you crazy person where are you going

Then she left Edna and tried to follow Kate

Edna 😫: No Julis , come back , we have to stay together, we have only 5 mins to go back

Edna tried to attract her attention

But when she felt she is totally alone

She began to be so scared and began shaking


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