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@AlexaMagiddinos: Answering all comments
@AlexaSlaysMyLife: Why did you stop talking to Mikey cuz of it @AlexaMagiddinos: I wanted to take a break from boys in general @AlexaSlaysMyLife it is just easier that way
@JennerXMagiddinos: Can you like. Date justin bieber? @AlexaMagiddinos: hahahahahaha Justin is such a good friend of mine @JennerXMagiddinos
@BaronesBae: MIKEY LOVES YOU! @AlexaMagiddinos; I love him too lmao @BaronesBae
@Fangirl101: WHy are you such a slut and an attention whore? @AlexaMagiddinos: Idk. I don't think I am @Fangirl101
@5sosfan: I only like you cuz you like 5sos but besides that I hate you and your a slut @AlexaMagiddinos: Well if that's how you feel @5sosFan
@CloutHouseFam: I LOVE EVERYONE THAT LIVES WITH BANKS AND CAN YOU EXPLAIN WHY YOU AND ALEX BROKE UP CUZ I LOVES YOU GUYS TOGETHER @AlexaMagiddinos: I was going on a World Tour with Ariana Grande and we weren't gonna see each other for a year and a half so we started getting in fights about it and yeah that is a condensed version I guess
@OmahaLife: Can you, Sammy, Matthew, Skate, and the Jacks move back to OMaha and make Vines together @AlexaMagiddinos: hahaha sometimes I wish @OmahaLife