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24Mil Likes  23

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24Mil Likes  23.4MIl Comments 

@AlexaMagiddinos: So....FACT #1 Mikey Barone is my best friend. Nothing more. Nothing less. And btw he is younger than me and I literally said my crush is older than me. oh annndddd.... ISN'T THIS PICTURE SUPER CUTE idk I like it. LOVE YOU

@KylieJenner: cutieeeeee

@StassieBaby: highlight on point bby

@MikeyBarone: I'm younger than u by 6 months smh

@JackGilinsky: wow. I've been replaced. you have a new bestie. I'm shook just like all those Mexa shippers. maybe even more. I'm hurt. 
@AlexaMagiddinos: love u 2 @JackGilinsky

@JustinBieber: cuteee



@ShadeRoom: Shook like Gilinsky 

@CarterReynolds: so whats fact #69

@MatthewMagiddinos: NO ONE CARES I DONT LIKE U 

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