Chapter 4: At The Park

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Saturday, August 27

The next day Andy was up early. He took a shower, got dressed, and went downstairs for breakfast. He had on black skinny jeans, black converse, and a black ACDC shirt.

“You're up early on a Saturday.” his mom mused. “Is it opposite day?”

Andy chuckled. “Mom, if it were opposite day, I'd be down here wearing slacks, a button down shirt, and going out to look for a job.” he said and grabbed his favorite cereal, Cookie Crisp.

“I'm going out later to the park with Copper.” he said, but he didn't mention Carolyn. Knowing his parents, they'd tease him endlessly of having a girlfriend. And Carolyn was just a friend.

As if Copper heard his name mentioned, he came running to the kitchen and barked. Andy leaned down to him. “You hungry?”

Copper wagged his tail. Andy went to the pantry and took out some of Copper's food. Suddenly he felt his phone vibrate with a text.

CC: So Carolyn tells me you two are going to the park. Sounds like a date to me. ;)

Andy: It’s not a date. We're just going to the park. She wanted to meet Copper.

CC: Are you gonna take her out to eat afterward?

Andy: Actually I was just going to bring us a picnic.

CC: Dude, you do realize that that sounds like a picnic date?

Andy: It’s not a date if my dog's there. Gotta go.

Andy put his phone back into this pocket and ate his cereal. All the while, he thought about Carolyn. She's so sweet and innocent. What could be hurting her so much? Andy thought.

“What are you thinking about?” his dad asked as he walked into the kitchen.

“Oh just stuff,”

“By stuff do you mean a girl?” his dad winked.

“DAD!” Andy exclaimed and felt his cheeks get a bit hot.

“He's blushing!” his mom said. “It IS a girl!”

“Is not.” he said.

Copper barked. If he could talk, Andy was pretty sure he'd say, “LIAR! You are thinking about a girl! Now can I have more doggy biscuits?”

“If you're not thinking about a girl, than what are you thinking about?”

“Uh... Turtles,” Andy said lamely.

“Uh huh. Sure, honey.” his mom said.

Andy opened his mouth to reply, but decided against it. Denying it more would only lead to more teasing from his parents. Besides, he had better things to worry about.


“C'mon Copper.” Andy said while putting Copper's leash in his back pocket. “Time for you to meet Carolyn,”

Copper barked happily and chased his tail. Andy chuckled. “Weird little dog.” he grabbed the picnic basket and left.

When they got to Carolyn's house, Andy honked his car horn. In seconds, she was out the door. Andy opened the door from the inside.

“Hey.” she smiled. She seemed much happier than when they first met earlier that week.

“Carolyn, say hello to Copper.” Andy gestured to his dog in the backseat. “Copper, say hello to Carolyn,” Copper barked.

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