The First Date

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Sunday, April 8

Andy patted his pocket to make sure he had his keys. He sighed in relief as he felt the familiar shape. He was sure he'd lost them and that wouldn't be a good first date impression. He smiled to himself. Today was his first date with Carolyn. He was so glad he manned up and asked her out yesterday.

He went outside to his motorcycle. He got it two weeks ago and loved it. He felt much more free in it than he felt in his car. He opened up the seat and made sure some of his things were in there. His acoustic guitar (he was going to give Carolyn some lessons), his secret stash of money, an umbrella (the weather in Ohio can be unpredictable at times), a condom, his- WAIT WHAT?

His hand reached for the little pack. I thought I got rid of those damn condoms., he thought. They were the same condoms that Ashley had gotten him for Christmas. He threw them out. He wasn't planning on that any me soon. He flipped it over to the back to find a sticky note attached to it. It read: Just in case you and Carolyn get carried away. ;) From Ashley. Andy made a mental note to kill Ashley tomorrow. Was sex the only thing going on in that guy's mind?

Andy went back into his house and sat on the couch. He wouldn't pick up Carolyn for a while. As soon as he sat on the couch, Copper jumped onto his lap and barked. He jumped off of him and ran to the kitchen. Then came back with one of his favorite toys. Mr. Squeakers. Andy smiled and took it from Copper's mouth. He squeezed it a few times and immediately thought back to when he and Carolyn went to the park with him.

Finally five o'clock rolled around. He got up and went out to his bike. He opened the seat and took his black helmet out. Then he slipped it on and rode off. When he reached the Coma's house, he parked his bike in the drive way. He took off his helmet and shook his hair free. He patted his hair down. He was sure it would've looked like a mess if he hadn't. He walked up the path and rang the door bell. CC answered it and greeted Andy with a smile.

"Hey, dude." he said.

"Hey." Andy replied. CC let him in. There was no one in the kitchen or in the living room so he figured that CC's parents weren't home.

"Carolyn will be out in a bit." CC said.

Andy started walking towards their living room and sat on the couch. CC sat next to him and took a deep breath.

"We need to talk." he said. Andy's head shot up. Starting a conversation with those four words was never good. CC continued, "So today you're going out with Carolyn on your first real date."

"Yeah." Andy said, urging CC to get on with it.

"And you know... we're dudes! Sometimes we think about stuff that girls probably aren't ready for. And-"

Andy stood up quickly. "Okay I'm not having this conversation."

CC stood up and put his hand on Andy's shoulder. With his other hand, e ran a hand through his hair. He sighed. "Look, the point is; I don't want Carolyn to get hurt. You know that's happened more than enough times for her. She's been hurt by a guy before. And what he did was totally douche like. I don't want to see her go through that again. And I especially don't want to know that one of my best friends broke her heart."

Andy spoke, "CC, I'm not going to hurt her. I'd rather kill myself than hurt Carolyn. I've never felt this way about any other girl before. She's really special to me..."

CC sighed. "Okay. Well you are a truthful guy. So I guess I'll get off your back." he said. He looked Andy fiercly in the eyes. "But if you do hurt her, you'll find one of your precious, little Batman toys up your-"

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