Chapter 15: Late Night Writing

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Sunday, January 22
That night Andy dreamed about Carolyn. Only he looked different. For one thing, his hair had grown longer. A few inches past his collar bone. And bits of the top were cut so they stuck up a bit.
In the background were the others, their girlfriends, and their parents. They were filling up Jinxx's truck with suitcase after suitcase. Standing in front of him was Carolyn who had tears streaming down her face.
Andy reached out and wiped some of Carolyn's tears. She sniffled. “It feels like just yesterday that you and the guys booked this flight.”
He moved a strand of Carolyn's hair behind her ear and smiled gently. “I'll mention you every time when I'm playing your song.”
She leaned closer to him and stood a bit on her tippy toes. “Promise to never forget me.” she mumbled.
“I'll never forget you.”
They leaned in and just when their lips were about to make contact, Andy was awaken by a loud snore.
He woke up with a gasp. The dream felt so realistic that he could've sworn he felt Carolyn touch him. He sat up in his bed and looked around. The others were still asleep and it was still dark out. He saw Jake snoring, so he woke him up to get him to stop. After doing that, he got his phone and checked the time. 2:05 am. He sighed and thought back to his dream. That was probably the fifth dream he'd had since his birthday when him and Carolyn were going to kiss, but were always interrupted. The first time they were interrupted by a car horn, the next was by glass shattering, then someone yelling Batman which made dream Andy look, then CC playing his drums loudly, and now this.
He couldn't fall asleep now. He wasn't tired anymore, so he quietly crept into the living room of the hotel room. His guitar was right there near the couch. He decided to play the first verse of the new song he was writing. The Mortician's Daughter. He played and sang quietly to not disturb the others. He thought back to his dream. He played the chords to the verse and sang. “I open my lungs dear. I sing this song at funerals, no rush. These lyrics heard a thousand times, just plush.”
“A baby boy you've held so tightly,” Andy remembered when he helped Carolyn babysit just a week ago. She held the little boy to get him to go to sleep. “This pain, it visits almost nightly. Missing hotel beds I feel your whole touch.” and he sang the rest before going into the chorus.
“We booked our flight those years ago.”
He knew that they hadn't done that. But it just sounded right. He felt like he'd known Carolyn for years instead of just a few months.
“I said I loved you as I left you.”
He did say that. And he meant it. She said it too, but she probably only meant it as a friend. One day he would tell her he really means it.

“Regrets still haunt my hollow head. But I promise you that I will see you again.”

He wanted to do more than just give her a quick kiss on her forehead and a hug. He wanted to just pull her to him and kiss her with all he had.
He wrote these lyrics down. They made a really good chorus. Finally he felt exhausted. He set his guitar down and headed for bed again.


Hope you liked it. And also having to do with the Coffin video, it was obviously filmed months ago. The same day that Juliet Simms tweeted that picture of her and Andy inside a coffin. You can tell because Andy's warpaint is exactly the same. So yeah. :D

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-Zaira <3

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