Chapter 9

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Caroline's POV

It's currently 7:45 pm and we are at Damien's and Shayne's apartment. We are just hanging out and talking until Damien left to go get something from his room. I awkwardly sat still and tapped my knees.

"Hey, Lin." Shayne spoke. I looked at him, still ignoring the fact that he's shirtless, and answered him "yes?" "How was your date with uh Damien?" He said. "Well, it went amazing." I said, smiling. "Huh. Okay. So are you like gonna stay the night or?" He said. Why though?

"I still don't know yet." I said truthfully. He leaned in to whisper something, "I forgot to tell you something" I got nervous for a while, he continued "I got you an appointment to Calvin Klein" he said. "Why do you have to whisper that?" I screamed as I chuckle. "I really don't know why" he laughed. "Dude, that was creepy. But thank you very much, I may or may not try it but I'll consider it." I said hugging him. He hugged back.

"Did I miss anything?" Damien came back with a puzzled look. "I just got her an appointment with Jeff from Calvin Klein." He answered.

Damien's POV

She was very excited. I thought she hated modeling? "I thought you hated modeling?" I asked her. "Well, I need to be open for everything. I'll consider it." She answered, firmly. Wow that was hot. Uhm what?

I don't like the look of Shayne on Lin. I have a bad feeling. Also, let's point out that he is shirtless. But she did told me that she prefer guys with no abs. Did she told me that only to not make me feel bad? Or is she lying?

"Dude. You've been out for a while." Shayne clapped in front of my face that caused me to go back to reality. "Are you okay?" Lin asked. "Yeah. Don't worry about me." I smiled, hoping to cover up the confusion that's currently in my head.

"I thought you're getting something from your room?" Lin asked. "Oh yeah, wait a sec." I went back to my room and grabbed extra clothes for her to wear... to stay comfortable.

Shayne's POV

As Damien went back to his room I looked at Lin and stared at her for a while. Wow. This is the closest I've seen her. "So when is the appointment?" She asked. "Tomorrow 2 pm at Sunset Blvd. I'll gladly escort you there." I insisted.  "Cool Thank you." She said, smiling. She's cute.


NO. GOD DAMN IT. I need to excuse myself. "Wait a minute. I need to pee." I said. "Oh um okay?" She said. God damn it Shayne just walk away.

I walk farther from her and went inside the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and silently scolded myself for the behavior I am having right now.

Well they aren't really official yet It's not like it's something serious? Is it? Why am I even consider doing this? This isn't like me at all. But she's different. Now I'm having a headache what should I follow, my brain, or my heart? Maybe I should try it once then maybe I can make the decision after.

Caroline's POV

So I'm all alone in the living room. Where are the boys? Damn it. Sniffles jumped on my lap and started licking my face. Maybe I should get a dog. Maybe Keith won't like it tho? Sigh anyway...

Damien went back with a set of clothes. "Sorry if I took so long, I got distracted. Where's Shayne?" He said. Something's off with these boys. "He went to the bathroom." I answered giving him a smile. He handed me a pair of sweatpants and a cute t-shirt. They are all massive... the clothes. "Is there somewhere I can change?" "You can change in my room. Just across the hall" he said. I went to the hall and saw two doors. Damn it. I'll just pick a door.

I went to the nearest and placed the clothes on the bed. I started to remove my outfit and changed to what Damien provided me with. It smells absolutely amazing. I grabbed my outfit and was about to leave the room when someone's by the door with a shocked face... Shayne.

My face immediately turned red. "Uhm. How long have you been standing there?" I asked, "Not that long. But I'm sorry if you feel weird at the moment." He said, scratching the back of his head. So I'm guessing this is his room. Oops. "Uhm okay, I should get back to Damien." I said as I leave the room. "Yeah yeah, I'll be out in a minute I'll just put on a shirt or something." He said. I nodded and went back to the living room, not looking behind. Wow everything is so awkward.

What is happening?

Shayne is back with a CowBaes shirt. That looked good on him. Uhm what? Hello Lin, shut up. Divert your eyes. We were all just sitting on the couch. "So you guys wanna watch a movie?" Shayne asked. We nodded. "Any suggestions? Daymes? Lin?" He said. "How about guardians of the galaxy? Damien suggested. "We've seen that for about 30 times already." He laughed. "Lin, any idea?" "How about Lights Out?" I suggested. "Oohhh another scary film. Okay. I haven't seen it yet"Shayne said. "Me too." Damien followed.

I went to Hulu and searched for the film. Luckily there it is. I got very excited. And sat between the guys. "I'll get the popcorn, don't start without me." Shayne yelled.

I looked st Damien and he has a confused look. "Are you really okay?" I asked. "Yeah. Don't worry about it." He said putting his arm around me.

I rested my head on his chest and hugged him tight. "I hope this can help." I smiled. He looked at me and smiled. There you go, that's what I'm looking for. I bopped his nose and he kissed my forehead. Yep... I'm blushing, AGAIN.

Shayne got back with the popcorn and I grabbed the bowl. As it is now centered, we started the film.

*morning after*

It's currently 7 am and I need to fix myself. I looked all around me and saw the two boys on the floor, sleeping. I've decided to make breakfast. I made Cinnamon roll biscuits and brewed some coffee.

As I was waiting for the biscuits to bake, went to the bathroom and splashed my face with water. I fixed my hair and went back to the kitchen. By now, Damien is up. "Good morning cookie" I greeted. "Good Morning" he sat down on the couch and tilted his head up as he close his eyes.

I looked at the oven and the biscuits are almost done. I've decided to wake Shayne up. I started shaking him and tried waking him up but he just swatted my hands. Damn it. I tried shaking him again when he grab a hold of my hands and I completely lost my balance and flopped down on him. He groaned as I try to leave immediately. At least it woke him up.

I scurried my way back to the kitchen and removed them from the flaming oven. I let the cookies to rest and called the guys. They were not responding. Damn it. I grabbed a plate and placed the cookies, creatively. I even put some icing on top. I grabbed the plate and placed it in front of the boys. They shot up and looked for the cookies. "Dig in" I said. They took a bite of their cookie and their reactions made me smile.

"You are gonna make me fat." Shayne said. "That's the goal." I said chuckling. "Can i bring some for work?" Damien said. " I made a ton of 'em there's still left on the cooling rack. Also to answer your question, yes, yes you can." I said.

"Anyway I need to go home already. I need to prepare for my appointment later. See you, guys. I'll return your clothes later Damien" I said. "You can keep it." He said. I blushed and went my way out of their apartment

End of Chapter 9

A short one yes. So, it's exam week, so I might delay when it comes to uploading chapters.

Also there is a reason why "Abandoned" was the title of the book. You can see the reasons why on the next chapters.

Spoiler alert: You will not like what I am about to do.

Please vote for this book and comment down below scenarios you want to appear on this book. Love ya guysss byeerrrsssss

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