Chapter 1

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        { ShadeFaith206 this book is for her ^^ }

     Cold, struggling to breathe.
    Leo was on the ground as he grunted as he saw the nights sky with a few starts over him.
     He got a hand in his eyes slowly as he soon then got up even though he could feel his whole body hurt as if everything was braking. But once he was on his feet he looked around soon seeing everything around him turning red.
     His breathing went faster as he looked around himself with wide eyes. " Raph! Mikey! Donnie!"
    When no one answered he then heard footsteps as he turned to see a little kid. But it terrified him since he could see this kid was a little turtle.
     Leo took weak steps back as the kid walked closer and closer to Leo. " Who are you?"
    The kid had its head down till it lifted it's head up for Leo's face turning instantly pale.
    The kid has wide eyes as it smiled as if it was evil while it then took its left hand out to Leo. " Isn't it obvious Leonardo? I am you. The one part of you that wants to have fun."
      Leo turned to run off away from this kid but it did not take long as the kid now in front of him while he still had that crazy smiling face. "Let's go, Leo."
    " Where?" Leo asked the little kid that was freaking him out.
    " home where your worthless family lies." He said as the kid then rushed right to Leo as he yelled blocking his face.
     Leo then opened his eyes and looked around fast as he saw he was in his bed. He breathed hard as he got a hand in his face. " just a dream..."
   It took him a little but he soon then got up and went out of his room and went to the kitchen as he grabbed and glass cup getting water to drink.
     But soon he felt his hand give out as it all of a sudden he lost it's grip as the glass hit the ground breaking with the water spreading out around the floor.
    Leo just looked at the water as it all of a sudden started to turn red as he did not notice his breathing went shallow. He could not look away from the red water as it went to his feet as it almost touched him.
   " Leo?"
    Leo looked up fast seeing Donnie there confused as Leo then felt his hand shaking as he looked at it. " Leo, you okay?"
    Donnie came over to pick up the glass as Leo then felt his head as if hearing that little kid again.
     Leo placed a hand on his head. " I don't know... I feel... sick..."
    Once Donnie cleaned up the glass he came over to Leo and looked in his eyes than he signed. " I don't see anything making you sick... let's get you to bed and I will get some blood samples."
    Leo nod while Donnie helped Leo back in his room and sitting in his bed a Donnie went to get a needle to get some blood.
   Leo sat there waiting till he then felt all of a sudden light headed and so he placed his hand on his head and soon passed out.

~     ~     ~
    Leo woke up as he opened his eyes seeing Splinter sitting on the bed. " Master... Splinter?"
     Splinter looked at Leo and smiled at him. " Leonardo. It's good to see you awake."
   Leo looked up at the ceiling and slowly started to sit up while he looked at Splinter again. " What happened?"
    " Donatello found you passed out... he took some blood samples and could not find the reason for it but... you are dying my son..." Leo looked at Splinter as he started to get up as Splinter tried to keep him in bed.
     " what do you mean I'm dying!"
    " Leonardo please calm down... Donatello has been working nonstop to stop this unknown disease." Leo stopped and looked at Splinter. " I'm sorry sensei... it's just..."
    Splinter got Leo to sit back down as he spoke calmly. " it's understandable Leonardo. But you must give Donatello some time."
    Leo signed and laid down as he soon fell back to sleep as Donnie came in and went to Splinter. " I'm sorry sensei... I can't cure him..."
    " It's alright Donatello... just make sure he is not suffering from the pain he will soon feel..." Donnie nods his head and Splinter then left the room sad and worried about his eldest son and that was going to be the new sensei.
     Donnie watched Leo for a little longer then walked out feeling guilty to not help his older brother.

~      ~      ~
    A week later Leo was getting worse as he was having a hard time breathing while also standing all the time. He would be only in his bed as the others would try to get him some food in his stomach but Leo was getting so bad he didn't feel like eating.
    Leo could not sleep because of the kid he would see in his sleep once his eyes closed. So he pretended to sleep so everyone would not worry too much about him.
     But right now he was in his bed breathing hard as his body was sweating a lot. A knock came to his door even though he told his brothers that he didn't want to be bothered today.
     His door opened as he looked a little to the floor seeing his little brother standing there. " Leo... Donnie needs you to go to the lab today... Can you stand?"
    Leo looked at Mikey for a little then away as he said to Mikey. " Leave me alone... I just want some peace today..."
    " But Leo Donnie things that you're suffering from actually doing right now... He wants to help.  " Leo stood up fast feeling his head get light and yelled to Mikey. " Leave me! If I die then I will die! So go!"
     Mikey looked sad but only nod his head and walked out closing the door while Leo closed his eyes and placed his sweating shaking hands on his face. " Darn it..."

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