15 | Atlanta, GA

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"uber everywhere
xl , we finna go"

and now i was home. no kehlani. no california. well this was shitty. i had to finish my big trouble, little jupiter mixtape, but i had to go to my doctor's appointment before that.

so i took a shower, put on some regular sweatpants and a bape hoodie and convinced tj to pick me up and drop me off and take me to the studio after.

i walked into the waiting room, tj on my heels. "what they gotta do?" he asked.

"give me a couple shots." i said.

"a couple?"

"yeah." i said.

"lord. i feel bad for you." he said.

"williams." the receptionist said and i got up to sign in.

"this your boyfriend?" she asked as i signed my name. clearly she didn't see the way i sagged my pants (not so my underwear was exposed to the big wide world, though) and the big ass t-shirt and loose fitting jacket i was wearing.

"im gay." i said, still writing.

"oh." she said, stiffly.

i put the pen down and followed her to the back room. "give the doctor like five or ten minutes. she'll be here." she said.

"okay." i said.

"what shots they gotta give you?" tj asked as the receptionist came out.

"some type of anesthetic, some stuff i keep telling them that im not supposed to take and i don't know the other two." i said.

"not supposed to take?" tj asked.

"last time it put me in the hospital." i said.

i reached into my pocket, and took out the stress ball that kehlani had bought me (i insisted to pay her back for that and the new apple headphones, but she never lets me return a favor) and started to circle the logo lightly with the tip of my thumb.

then i squeezed the shit out of the ball when trinity el bitchy strolled in. "trinity, the hell is you doing here?" i asked.

"summer job, doctors assistant internship. ring a bell?" she said, sitting down.

"nope." i said, after trying to think when the hell trinity told me about a internship.

"well anyways." she said.

"that doesn't change how i feel about you, i hope you know that." i said.

trinity did a double take towards the door and grabbed a needle, roughly pushing tj out of the way. i tried to push her away from me but she somehow got the needle into my arm and pushed the thingy down. i yanked the needle out and got up, seeing red. the next thing i knew, i had a firm grip on trinity's neck and she was gasping for air and turning red.

tj pulled me off of her. "try that shit again." i mumbled.

i sat back down and the doctor came in. trinity sat down in the revolving chair which was idly floating around the room.

"imma call you later." i said after kevin asked if i was ready

"okay." kehlani said.

i wanted to say three other words, but we weren't far enough into it for me to say it. i got up and my knee buckled.

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