28 | Atlanta, GA

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"don't fight
the feelings
that you have
for me tonight"


i honestly could barely move my legs. they were still shaking. so yes i was still laying there.

"you aight?" kodie asked, smirking at me still laying on the bed.

"fuck you," i whispered, my voice hoarse.

"oh so you want me to do it again?" kodie asked.

"nonononoitsokayjustgimmeaminute," i said all in one big ass word.

"ok then," kodie said, walking into the bathroom.

i hadn't realized i had dosed off (or passed out according to kodie) until i felt her lift me up and put me into a warm bath.

"what's this," i mumbled still half asleep.

"what else could it be, it's a bath nigga," kodie said.

"ion know who you think you talking to," i muttered.

"you nigga," kodie said as she began to wash my body.

lemme stop talking shit while she giving me this bath because i honestly did not feel like moving any of my limbs.

kodie caught me off guard after that. she always managed to when it came to body contact. she was gentle with her hands. her touch was soft in the right places and firm in the right places as well. overall, this girl knew what she was doing.

she gently lifted up my leg, doused the washcloth in soapy water and started a gentle rhythm first on my upper thigh then down to my calf, then she gently massaged my feet. "where did you get all this from?" i asked, eyes still closed.

"i pay the bill, where else would the water come from, and it's your body wash so you should know," kodie even spoke softly.

"i mean this technique, einstein. where did you learn it?" i asked.

"nig- anyway, i taught myself. i saw my aunt do it with her clients and i caught on to it fast as hell." kodie explained, still just as honey-tongued as before.

"interesting," i said, ignoring the first part of her reply.

"anymore questions?" kodie asked, and her hand brushed over my clit and a shockwave filled my stomach, causing me to jerk and kodie to smirk.

"n-nah," i practically whispered.

kodie's devilish smile faded as she continued down my other leg.

"kehlani, can i just say something?" kodie asked.

"yeah, go ahead," i said, turning towards the side so she could get better access to my hip.

"if anything happens to me, or if anything changes, i love you. and im sorry for any hurt or pain i put you through, and..." kodie sighed and her voice cracked at her next word. "im honestly scared for my life, because i know it's on the line right now and i... i know you tell me not to think like this but it stays on my mind. so i just want you to know, again, i love you," kodie said, dabbing away at the tears that had mooned at the tips of her eyelids.

"i love you too," i said softly.

i heard kodie's phone go off in the room. "ill be right back." kodie said.

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