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I woke up very early cause I couldn't sleep. I couldn't stop dreaming about that night. Whenever I closed my eyes all I could see was that face when he was doing whatever he did to me.

I made my bed as I was awake and went for a short shower. After the shower I went downstairs to find my mom making breakfast: pancakes eggs and juice. As I headed to the kitchen I heard footsteps behind me turning it was my brother david we then ate our breakfast with mom and I enjoyed a lot couse I loved my mom's cooking. Then mom suddenly asked"Linda honey when am I gonna see your boy friend?"

I hissed and answered"mom really?am just 18 why would you ask that again I told you am not dating any sooner?" I can't understand my mom. why would she always ask me that?

"Lin honey don't get mad I just don't get you at all you are a teenager and most people at your age got a boyfriend and I haven't seen any guy here don't you think that's a little off? Plus your best friend canella has a boyfriend why wouldn't you?"did she even had to say all of that!and canella doesn't have a boyfriend she is a lesbian she date girls why would I have to always tell her that.

"Mom first am not just like any teenager am special remember and second canella is a lesbian she dates girls not boys"I said with annoyance in my voice.

"OK Linda my special girl I get it I just don't think its normal and about Ella I just kinda forget but at least she got a date."she said with concern.

"Guys we are all gonna be late please let's go I don't want to be late and mom remember I will give you a ride hurry up."David said he is not much of a talker we all grabbed out bags and headed to our cars mom needed a ride couse she didn't feel like driving so I went in my car and took off.

As I reached the school parking lot I immediately headed for the school's doors and traveled the hallway alone I wonder where Ella was. I went to my locker to get my English book and I heard a voice behind me which I was shocked to couse I recognized it as Derrick's and we don't talk he is just I'm my English class I wander what he wants.

"Hey beautiful" he said I turned and there he was! derrick cooper talking to me!!. Although I wasn't interested and everyone should know that buy now. No one ever saw me date why wouldn't they see that am off list?. But maybe Derrick isn't here to ask me out maybe he is just being friendly.

"Hey derrick what is it!"I just didn't have anything to say especially when we don't talk a lot. It was weird

"Uum I just wanted us to walk to class together if its OK with you of course?"

"Yeah its fine"

We headed upstairs to mrs johns class. silence was all over. all that was heard was noise of student and our footsteps but suddenly he said something.

"So how are you doing"he asked

"Am perfectly good you?"I asked

"Am good too. So how are you prepared for the end of year exams?hope you are exited to finally leave this hell aren't you!couse I am"he stated. Is that even a question? I just can't imagine my self done with high school.

"Am actually ready more than anything I just want it to come quickly and get it over with"I responded suddenly we reached English class and I spotted Ella at the back of the room I thanked derrick and headed over to ella.

"Omg is that Derrick you were talking to?"she asked as I took the seat beside her

"Yeah. He asked me to walk with him to class"I said with a blank face.

"Girl can't believe he asked you God maybe he is into you what do you think. did he say anything?"

"No he didn't say anything other than asking me if am ready for the end exams plus i don't think nothing and you know I don't I just can't stop thinking about finishing school that's all."as I said Mrs johns came in the class and we all settled and kept quiet as the class started. Lately the day was over and I met Ella at her locker and we went home.

*hey guys hope u are enjoying the story if you are please vote and comment and remember this is my first story so please don't judge me in a wrong way and don't comment bad things i promise i will try to make the next chapter good thank you all bye guys*


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