21 5 1

**Healing takes courage, and we all
have courage, even if we have to dig a
little to find it.**


I was about to go back but my mum motioned for me to enter. I didn't want her to tell me to wait outside but in the same time I was nervous to enter. But I entered silently in the room my eyes on the floor,I couldn't clean the shock on my face. I went beside mum and kissed her cheek,approached the couch beside her as I greeted the handsome guy I ever saw in front of me I wonder what he is doing here,I can't wait to ask her later. He nodded with a smile on his lips. He got a beautiful smile God I wish he could smile for me everyday.

My eyes widened. What the fuck did I just say? Did I just wish for a guy to smile for me everyday?hell no I didn't. But honestly I knew I did. If it was this guy I can't resist.

When I was starting to feel comfortable my mum ended their conversion. She smiled at him and said goodbye and the guy whose name I didn't know did the same. He turn to me"goodbye miss"a gasp escaped my lips and my mouth hang open. Did he just talk to me?no he didn't right? Gosh He has a sweet deep voice. I closed my mouth and nodded cause I couldn't trust my voice to say the right thing at the time. He went out and my mum turned to me.

"What was that?"she asked,with a huge grin on her face and clapping hands like a high school girl.

I turned to her"what was what?"I asked though I knew what she was exactly saying.

She smiled"that. How you screamed when you saw brian."so he is called brian!my favorite name on boys"how you were shy when you went to your couch,how you couldn't stop staring,how you gasped when he said bye to you,how you can't stop smiling although he is long gone."mum posed and throw a big lough my way. Her eyes widened and her mouth opened"Lin baby did you just crushed a guy right now?"she asked with amusement in her voice. Did I just crush him?of course not. But I can't stop thinking about his smile. How he looked so handsome and way taller in his suit when he stood up to leave. To my surprise i Maybe crushed a guy right now but I couldn't admit it to my mum she could tell my brother and they could make fun of me during dinner and more. I can't believe after what happened I crushed a guy,but he seem so different than others I don't know how to say it either.

"No sense"I said begging God for mum to buy it and drop it."mum we both know I didn't" mum smiled and we headed to the parking lot"you know I can't buy that,but let me drop it just for now"I sighed and We headed to the car and I couldn't control my curiosity so I asked her.


"Yes honey"

"What are his full names?"

She laughed"I knew you had a lot of questions going on in your head,but I will answer some couse am not allowed to talk about my client to anyone after our sections."she said. I was kind of disappointed but still I wanted to know him a little so I nodded for her to go on"his name is Brian Patterson,he is very rich he come to see me every Tuesday Thursday and Friday to solve some things in his life he is 28 and apparently he happens to be a good man besides of his problems plus his parents died when he was still a teenager so he got responsibility when he was still young and it happens to have affected him later so we are trying to solve more of that."

After a short silence that's when I knew that she was done and I was grateful for at least giving me a hint about him. But I still wonder what a handsome rich man needed therapy for and what kind of problems that made him do therapy,but I can't ask my mum of couse she can't give me answers. I thanked her and we went inside the house. We found David in the living room watch scorpion series gosh he loved that movie. I kissed his forehead and went strait to my room. I went in the shower and took a good long shower I was very happy and I think I knew why. I can't wait to Finnish for me to call Ella and tell her what just happened.

Soon I was done with everything and went to my bed,I grabbed my fone from the nightstand and called Ella

"Hello"Ella screamed from the other end she seem happy than ever I wonder what she was happy for.

"Hi bebs I have something to tell you."

"Me too baby"she said excitement all over her voice"can I come over couse I have to show you something. Besides you seem happy yourself I want to hear all about it when we are together is it OK?"

"Is that even a question?Lady You know you are very much welcome here anytime,so get your ass here I can't keep my mouth shot for so long."

**Healing takes courage, and we all
have courage, even if we have to dig a
little to find it.**

**hey guys please vote and comment plus enjoy the story**

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