Chap. 1

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When life hands you a bowl of lemons you make lemonade. Right? It's a classic saying everyone knows. But I've always wondered... What if you don't like lemons? This phrase is used to give me people a can do attitude towards things and see the bright side of everything. But, that is nearly impossible whenever you fall in love with tel different people of two different genders.

Being twenty-four and living on Staten Island by yourself every since the ripe ol' age of eighteen and traveling back and forth between Staten island and Manahteen every day besides on Sundays just so you can try to make it to the top in journalism has not been easy. I have had many breakdowns and I have considered quiting, going back home and falling down pleading my parents to forgive me and take me back.

But, today I got a call from my editor and my story got approved and it's going to be in the next release of our magazine! I was to excited and couldn't calm down and I decided to take a run, come home, collect myself, and head over to the magazine.

That was before some guys crazy German Shephard began to chase me and chase me and the guy couldn't get his dog away from me.

I turned around hearing shouting and barks to see a man the same age maybe a few years older than me chasing a big German Shephard who was chasing me. I picked up my pace trying to get away from the dog but the dog just got faster and I had to slow down just a bit to catch my break when the dog knocked me onto the pavement and I could feel the blood and scratches on my hands and knees already. The dog just licked me and continued licking me until his irresponsible owner caught up and got him off of me.

"I am so sorry! He got off of his leash and... well he liked the color of your clothing I'm guessing?" The man said putting the leash back onto the dog and helping me up.

"Yeah.. Well get a better leash then or get some arm strength. "

"Do you like ice cream?"

"Excuse me?"

"Me and Marvin were just heading to the local ice cream parlor when he got off of his leash and... well do you like ice cream? I'll by you as many scoops as you want and we can clean you up."

"Listen... I'm am very not flattered but I don't know you and your dog just attacked me so I think I'll pass."

"Marvin is a very sweet dog. It's not like he bit you. All he done was lick you."

"And cut my knees and hands up!"

"My name is Rylee."

"Well Rylee I'm still not coming with you to get ice cream." I turned away and began walking back to my house.

I turned the corner to see the man apparently named Rylee and his dog who's name was Marvin still following me. Who even names their dog Marvin?


"um... Ma'am. The ice cream shop is this way."

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