Chap. 12

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I sprawled across the leather seat beside Rylee's bed with a thin, white, cotton blanket resting my head on his bed beside him motionless, cold, pale hand that was hooked to many IVs and other devices. It has been four days and he has not woken up once.

The bullet traveled through his entire lower stomach and hit is spinal cord. The doctor says there is a chance of Rylee being paralyzed from the waist down, but it all depends on when he wakes up or not.

Only a few people have came and tried to visit Rylee but the doctors say no one is allowed in besides close family. Since I'm his girlfriend the hospital called his family and said it was okay for me to be in here with him. Even if they said no I would be in here with him just like I am now no matter what anyone has to say.

Ms. Porcher the old women who lives beside me came and brought me all the things I needed and she brings home made meals to me everyone and awhile. I have practically moved into this hospital room with Rylee. Then one of the editors from the paper who's name I do not know came to visit, he, his wife, and their two year old son came and brought flowers. Besides that not one of his close friends or family members have even tried to make an attempt to visit.

I stood up out of the chair that has made me have a crook in my neck and made my back feel like it's burning as the hospital room door opened. Many nurses came in and rolled a bed in I immediately shot my eyes to Rylee's scanners to see if everything was okay the way the doctor showed me to. But, it was fine or as fine as it was going to get.

"Why the bed?" I asked as they rolled the bed into one of the corners.

"Well, we thought that chair was getting tiring and we all thought you needed at least one of these old beds to lay on." The oldest nurse spoke as she layed multiple pillows, blankets, and sheets on top of the bed.

"Thank you ladies."

"Enjoy!" The all spoke in harmony.

I walked over to the bed and began to make the bed. I made sure to use all the blankets and pillows and sheets to make this bed as comfortable as possible. After I finished that I realized the room was a mess. I looked down at Rylee to see he was okay and began to clean and move my things over to the bed.

I decided to just lay them on top of the bed because I didn't need much room to lay because I lie in a ball anyway. If I needed more room later on.

I walked to the bathroom and put the bag with my toiletries in it and sat it underneath the sink. I walked back out and grabbed one of the roller trays and began piling all the cups, bowls, containers, wrappers, on top of the roller. I pushed the chair back to where it was originally and seen the room was clean now. Now, all I need is for Rylee to wake up safe and healthy.

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