Chap. 4

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"how did it go?" Rylee asked as he walked in and sat beside me at the table just a few minutes before the meeting started.

"Well I am sitting at the big leagues table if that says anything."

"HELLO EVERYBODY!" Mr. Davidson spoke before Rylee was able to speak again. "We are welcoming to new employees to the table 1 is is a Isadorra Brownslin a new fresh face journalist, the other is the young Rylee Storn he has joined our editor department. Isadorra come on up here and show us your story that brought you to the big leagues." Davidson spoke proudly smiling at me and giving me a motion to come to the front.

I darted my eyes to Rylee, "go get em' tiger." He gave me a grin and winked at me motioning to walk to the front.

I stood up slowly pulling my skirt down as I stood up. I collected my laptop, my pen,.and my notes as I walked slowly to the front.

I immediately looked for a source of comfort while I stood up and talked in front of 20 or so very important people in the city of New York. What if I messed up? What if I said something they didn't like? I immediately shut my eyes to the dirty brunette, blue eyed man who was sitting one seat away from where I was. He was smiling ear to ear and gave me two thumbs up.

I took many deep breaths as I connected my computer to the giant screen at the front of the big room. " Hello, my name is Isadora Brownslian. My article was about women's pricing of beauty products and clothing. In today's world women spend half of their life trying to please other people with their looks. Women today believe that you must wear the expensive clothing wear the most expensive brands of makeup, clothing, shoes, etc or you don't don't fit in anywhere in the world. I wrote this article out to the women in New York City to inform them that it is okay to wear clothing from the thrift store that only cost $0.50 if you think it's cute rock that outfit. Right? Well it's not that simple because not only do the women feel pressured to do it men feel like it's a duty of women to always try and improve their looks. This article is to inform everyone out there that men do not control women, men do not decide how you look or how you dress, and if they do get the hell out of Dodge. Here is how the article will look like when printed into the magazine. I will have pictures of women all gathered around in the bottom right corner enlarged. Women who look nothing alike, women who chose their looks, women who bought things from the $0.50 wrack, women who bought things from Walmart, women who have also wear a new outfit every single day of the year and have fancy jewels and have a fancy life. Of course there's always that sliver of us that want the nice expensive lavish life but it's not always like that and it's okay because you can still rock your look in anyway as long as  you think you look and you love it who's to say other wise  and if they don't like it well that's their loss sweetheart." I
continued to speak of my article, every so often looking at Rylee to see him smiling ear to ear.

I love that dork ball.

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