Chap. 2

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I climbed onto the ferri being careful not to bend my knees or press my hands, trying to prevent any more pain. 

Why in God's heaven and earth did that man think I would go for ice cream with him after his rapid dog attacked me!?

"Heyyy!!" I heard a man's voice yell and someone pulled on my shoulder scarring me to death.

It was Rylee. Dog man.

"What are you doing?"

"Riding the ferri?"


"Wow! Calm down! I'm not stalking you, I just got a new job in Manhatten as an editor for a magazine."

"New job? Editor? Magazine? WHAT MAGAZINE?"

"Trending New York? Why?"

"God... Damnit."


"I work for that forsaken 'Trending New York' magazine." I said through gritted teeth.

"So we will be seeing more of each other a lot then I guess. What department do you work in for the magazine?"

"Why would I tell you that?"

"Okay then. You really hold a grudge against a man and his dog don't you?"

I sighed at his words, now I was starting to feel bad for being so rude this man when he hasn't done anything to me.

"Okay. I'm sorry. I don't know you and I have been rarely rude to you and your dog for a little mishap."

"Just a bit." He laughed. His laugh was a raspy, grown laugh. But, even though his laugh being manly it also had a since of child like happiness and purity to it.

"Yeah. Maybe a bit more than a little bit."

"Hey! What's the use in life if you spend it holding grudges. No worries here. K? All is good... I'm sorry I never got your name?"

"Isadorra. My name is Isadorra. And you are... Westley. Correct?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Well... is that ice cream still an option?" I asked him heading over to the bench and taking a seat in an open space.

"It's also up for scoops." Rylee followed me over as he laughed his heart out at his own repulsive pun.

"Wow. Your a pun son aren't you?"

"Like no other."

"I'm starting to reconsider my apologize and considering friendship with you."

"Oh man. That just shatters my heart Isadorra." He cried dramatically throwing his hands over his heart and going limb on my shoulder.

I shook him off of me or at least attempted to shake him off of me, "You should. I have been told I am a very enjoyable person."

"I highly doubt that. You don't even laugh at awesome puns from the pun master."

"Is that what you call yourself?"

"GGGIIIRRRRLLLLL i'm not that self consededed."

"Oh. Man. Okay then."

"This is the beginning of a very fun and packed full relationship."

"Dude. I never said anything about a relationship. I'm just letting you buy me ice cream."

"That's what all the ladies say. But, they always end up falling in love with me."

"Oh. Well I'm not like most girls mister."

"Let's hope so."

"Oh. I know so." I laughed standing up as we were getting closer to Manhatten, "I've lived in New York for seven years and I have never visted the Statue of Liberty, Broadway, Empire State Building, Trump Tower, Wall Street, Time square. None of it." I told Westley as we stood closely as we moved past the Statue of Liberty.

"WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN DOING WITH YOUR LIFE FOR THE PAST SEVEN YEARS!?" Rylee proclaimed louder than necessary causing everyone to stare at us.

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