Part 2

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Since Eli's death, life had been hard for me. Since, I was the only one who knew who did it, no one believed me.  I was in denial and my mom couldn't handle me. This is where my true story begins.  I am seventeen years old, and for the summer, my mom has sent me away from our home town of Cody, Wyoming to go live with my grandpa in Northern Wisconsin.

                I packed up the rest of my stuff into the large green military back and fastened it closed. I had three bags all together, and felt it was too much stuff. But mom had bought me summer clothes for Wisconsin. I guess it was supposed to be warm or something. My mother took me to the airport and she just put me on the plane n left. I really was beginning to feel like a criminal.

                The plane touched down four hours later in Green Bay, Wisconsin where I'd take a little plane to the port then a ferry to the island that will be my home all summer. With bags in hand, I went to the next plane. A young guy a little older than me was standing beside it. "You must be Ms. Jensen. I'm Liam, your grandpa asked me to come get you and take you safely to La Pointe." He smiled showing dimples, which just made me shutter. He had the same look as Eli did. I said nothing and climbed into the plane and watched him load my bags in the tail. The hour flight was silent. He didn't talk but neither did I. Once on the ground again, we walked the few blocks to the ferry dock.

                I continued walking towards the ticket booth but Liam stopped me, "No, this way. I have a boat. Way faster than the ferry. I have to get you there within a certain time limit if I want to get paid." He said as we went to a dock nearby. It was a new bass fishing boat that he helped me into and then untied his boat and jumped in. It took fifteen minutes to get to La Pointe unlike the ferry which would have taken forty. On the island sat a Ford pickup, he threw my backs into the bed and got into the drivers' side. I reluctantly climbed in, fearing cars since the accident.

                "I'm sorry about your friend," his words surprised me and my head shot up to look at him, "your grandpa told me. I promise you, once you leave here, the person who killed him, won't ever look at you again."

                I looked at this boy who barely knew me, I could feel the tear building up in my eyes but I swallowed them back. "I doubt that, I'll go back, he'll rape me again and I will kill myself like I planned." As the words left my mouth, his eyes widened and his jaw hit the floor boards.

                "After the summer, u won't feel that way. You will have the power to stop him, I promise you that." He said solemnly.

                After that he didn't speak to me the entire ride. Which really only took five minutes; but in that time my mind went to my grandma. I really never knew her; she left my grandpa when I was young and never heard from her again. He pulled into the drive way of a fucking mansion. Now, my jaw is the one that hit the floor boards. "Holy shit, are you kidding me? That's were Roy lives?"

                "Yeah, he's my boss. And, we're right on time." He said as he put the truck in park and cut the engine.

                As I stepped out of the truck onto the paved ground below, the front door swung open. "Good, Liam, you're just on time." My grandfather said coming out of the house and shook his hand. I noticed the money exchange. "Well now, Cassidy, you've grown so much since the last time I saw you. Please, come in." He motioned for me to go inside, I turned to look at Liam, and he was getting my bags so I followed Roy into the house.

                "I'm glad you're here, and I'm sorry about Eli." He said sincerely.

                "Thanks Roy. So, where's my room?" I asked looking around the huge foyer.

Bloodline's Fate (Book One of Jensen Chronicles-- COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now