Chapter 3

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~Jossy's POV~

Oh Shit! I looked down at my stomach and the make-up washed off how stupid am I ? I forgot to use my water proof make-up! I have to make an excuse up. WHY CAN'T I BE A GOOD LIAR !? I just jumped up and wrapped my towel around me. Should I trust him ? I know I met him today but who's he gonna tell ? I can trust him I'm just gonna tell him.

~Steven's POV~

Jossy's beyond perfect. I'm glad I became friends with her I know I just met her today but I TRIED TO KISS HER. I could have ruined everything ! Thank god that waved splashed over us I was guessing she didn't want it to be awkward either so she started laughing while I joined. When we got out and dried off I saw her laying on her towel, there were all these marks on her they looked like scars? I asked her "What are those marks on your stomach and thighs?" she seemed to tense up when I asked. I'm pretty sure I know what they are but I don't want to jump to conclusions. She jumped up and wrapped her towel around her she seemed scared but she finally spoke "They-They're um They're scars" she said but I could tell she was hesitating "Scars from what ?" I asked she put her head down "iselfharm" she mumbled something "I can't hear you" she looked up into my eyes "I self harm" she almost whispered. I swear a piece of my heart shattered I went up and tightly hugged her as she cried into my bare skin "It's ok, you're gonna be ok" I said trying to soothe her "Sorry I just-I just have a really fucked up life it's just my um my best friend he died this summer and I haven't had anyone to talk to or anything I was really really close to him and you actually kinda remind me of him" she said in a shaky voice I couldn't think of anything to say "Wanna stay the night at my house?" I asked. She looked up at me and nodded yes I smiled and kissed her forehead "Friendly" I whispered to her. I didn't want it to be friendly though I wanted her to be mine so no one could hurt her and I could protect her I wanted to kiss her goodbye and hold her when she cried I wanted her love. I let her go and both of us started packing our stuff up I didn't even realize that the sun was setting we both started walking back to our neighborhood "Do you need to stop at your house and get clothes?" I asked her Urgh yes I do" "Well um ok do you want me to wait for you?" I asked because she doesn't know where my house is "Yea I'll only be a second" she said. We got to her house and I say on the sidewalk waiting for her.

~Jossy's POV~

I ran inside my house packing my things as fast as I could to try and not be noticed by my mom. My dad wasn't there as usual I wasn't even looking at what I packed I just kinda grabbed something hoping that it was something cute. After I packed I was trying to sneak past my mom but she caught me "Where are you going" she asked "To a friends house" she laughed "You don't have any friends you little bitch remember your shit friend Trevor died" she said still laughing she went to far by saying that about Trevor "NO TREVOR WAS NOT A SHIT FRIEND HE CARED ABOUT ME UNLIKE YOU SO NO TREVOR WAS NOT A SHIT FRIEND YOU'RE JUST A SHIT MOTHER!" I yelled and ran out the door slamming it. Steven was sitting at the sidewalk "Steven" I said snapping him back to reality he looked up at me "Ready?" he asked "Yea" he got up and smiled at me "You ok?" he asked "Yea" I said with no emotion "You sure?" he already knew I was lying gosh "I'm fine Steven" I said forcing a smile "Okay" he said . We got to his house I was greeted by his lovely mother "hello sweety" she greeted Steven "hey mom" he said she kissed his forehead. She looked at me and gave me a warm smile "who's this Steven?" she asked "Oh um this is Jossy mom" he said "Hello Mrs.-" she cut me off "Rose sweetie you can call me Rose" she said still smiling "Well um hello Rose" I said and stuck my hand out but instead of takin my hand I found myself in her arms so I just hugged back she was so nice! "Mom I forgot to ask you but is it ok if Jossy stays over?" he asked she looked over at him with this look that I couldn't really explain it kinda looked like one of those warning looks "Yes she can stay but next time you need to ask me ahead of time so I can plan out dinner and things like this" she looked at me "we only want the best for our guest" she smiled and walked out. I already loved his family "Come on Jossy" Steven said leading me upstairs his house was really nice both the actual house and the vibes bouncing around in it "STEVEN!" I heard a girl say and as I turned around there was a girl jumping on Steven hugging him "OH HOW I MISSED MY BIG BROTHER!" she said and I laughed at how Steven just sighed and hugged back "Hi Jackie" he said as she let go and looked at me "Hello" she said and stuck her hand out "I'm Jackie Steven's sister" I also stuck my hand out and we shook hands "Yea this is my adorable little sister" Steven said pinching her cheeks. I could tell how close they were I smiled "How old are you?" I asked "12" she answered cool I said "So you're in..6th grade?" I asked "Yea"she said I smiled "So are you staying over?" she asked I nodded my head "YESSSSSS SLEEPOVER!!!!" She yelled really loudly "JACKIE KEEP YOUR VOICE DOWN!" Rose yelled from downstairs. I laughed "How old are you?" I asked "12" she said "So you're in 6th grade right?" I questioned "Yup" she said popping the p "Why didn't I see you at school?" our school is 6-8 "Oh um I got ready before Steven this morning so I just started walking before him and we didn't have any classes together so yea and I was off making friends" she explained "Oh well I think we should do something" I said "Yea lets play GTA!" Steven said. We all walked down the hall into a room that I assumed was Steven's since it had DGK decks on the wall with a whole bunch of other DGK items it was actually pretty cool he garbed a controller and pressed the middle ps button. I personally thought Playstations were better than X-boxes but just my opinion "Do you know how to play games?" Steven asked "You can say that" I said smirking he handed me the controller and I robbed two stores, stole 7 different cars(I almost put cats), and shot down a helicopter then a cop shot me. I grew up with Trevor this was like his favorite game so yea "What the hell was that you're like better than me!" Steven said I just laughed we played games and messed around for a couple of hours, ate dinner, and then I got tired. We went upstairs "Um you can sleep in either the guest room, my room, or Jackie's room" he said "Um I'll just sleep in the guest room" I said we all went to our rooms and got ready for bed and I was just coming out of the bathroom with my nerdy monster onesie on I heard a soft knock on the door so I went and opened it to revel a shirtless Steven oh how I just wanted to touch his abs just for one second (I don't even know) I didn't "Goodnight beautiful" he said with a smile the only other person to call me beautiful was Trevor and it both made my heart beat 1000 times a second and just broke a little piece of what was left of it "Goodnight Steven" I said. He went to his room and I instantly fell asleep as I got into bed. I woke up screaming and sweating. I had a nightmare about Trevor. Steven came bursting through the door "Are you ok?!"he said in a panicked voice I nodded no and started crying he came into the bed and held me in his arms and that was my last memory before falling asleep. I've only known him for not even one day but I think I like him.... a lot. Oh Steven. What you do to me.


Authors Note

Wtf guys I described one day in three chapters. Should I keep doing it like that or just make like longer chapters in one day and should I keep the days short orrrr..? ok yea I felt the need to update. This writing a story thing is hard because I have to fit it into my daily busy life with all my friends and oh my gosh. AHAHAHAHHA that was funny because I do nothing all day but read and I have no friends. What a life right ? ok goodnight.


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