Chapter 8

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~Jossy's POV~
After we eat and all that jazz we go to watch a movie in Lilith's theater. She has her Playstation connected to the projector thing so you can play games too. She goes to Netflix and we decide on watching a scary movie. I love scary movies but I've never seen one in a theater so I'm probably gonna freak out . We're watching ~Grave Encounters~ about 45 minutes into the movie there's this scary part where the guy finds a tongue on the ground in the corner of the room and when he points the camera up there's this creepy ass guy like on the wall and he jumps down and starts chasing him I scream and run for my life I make it to the hallway where there's light and I sit so my back is leaning on the wall a bring my knees up to my chest and put my face in my hands "Are you okay?" I hear a voice I jump and look up from my hands it's a guy. He has blueish greenish eyes and tan skin like Lilith and dirty blonde hair this must be her brother I stand up and he's like Steven's height just a couple inches taller than me "Uh yea I was just watching a scary movie with Lilith and my boyfriend.." I say "Oh well it must have been really scary" he shyly smiles right then Steven and Lilith burst out the door Lilith hugs her brother "Oh my fucking god" she says "Watch your mouth Lilly" her brother says Steven comes over and hugs me "That was so scary like damn" Steven says "You made it longer that me" I say he lets go of me and kisses me. We all calm down a bit then Lilith introduces her brother "You guys this is Matthew my brother"
(I like the name Matthew just like idk)
"You can call me Matt" he says with another shy smile. We all go back into the theater and Lilith dashes for the Playstation controller and like rapes the exit button because just when she's 1.1111 centimeters away from a scary part comes and we all scream. She exits the movie and we all start laughing I grab the controller from Lilith "HEY!" she pouts "Hi" I say back I go through the movies "OHHHH MYYYY GOSHHH THE RUGRATS FRICK YESSSS" I put the Rugrats in Paris movie on "Yessssssss" Matt says I turn around and high five him "Rugrat buddies!" I say. If we have something in common them we're automatically buddies for that thing (ex:loner buddies, pizza buddies, onesie buddies) Me, Lilith, and Matt keep laughing at the dumbest stuff while Steven's on his phone. I lean over and whisper "You're not supposed to have your phone on in the theater" I smile and kiss his cheek. He looks up and whispers back "Look at your phone"
puzzled I take my phone from my pocket while Matt and Lilith are laughing. There's a message from Steven it says it has an image attachment I swipe the message and it brings up our conversations I tap on the picture and it's a whole collage of pictures me and Steven have taken it's so adorable I smile and look up at Steven he's grinning like an idiot it's so cute I lean in and kiss him it doesn't last long but I don't need a 2 minute make out session to know he loves me
"I love you" I whisper "I love you more" he whispers back I smile and turn back to the movie but before I give the movie my full attention I change the collage to my lock-screen. Steven takes my hand and intertwines his fingers I put my head on his shoulder.

~After the movie~

We turn the theater lights on and they blind I cover my eyes "MY EYES" I yell I take my hands from my face and everyone looks at me like I'm an alien which I am but they don't need to stare 💁. "Can we play a game on the Playstation pleeeeeaaaaasssseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" I say "Yea" Lilith says the games and controllers are over there you can pick if you want. I race over to the games and grab a white controller I look at the games and grab one of my favorite games FIFA World Cup "Yesss" I press the little eject button on the Playstation and slide the thing so it closes I grab two more controllers for Steven and Matt since Lilith has hers from when we were watching movies. FIFA is the best. The teams are Me and Lilith against Steven and Matt. I let Lilith choose are team she picked Manchester City while the boys picked Croatia. Me and Lilith kick off throughout the game all of us are yelling at the screen some of us using French. "WTF THAT WAS NOT OFF SIDES" Matt screams as their team gets called me and Lilith just keep passing it back and fourth we eventually make it close enough to the goal to shoot and there's only a few seconds left of the game I pass it back to Lilith and she can barely even pass it back because everyone crowding her trying to get the ball "PASS LILITH!" she passes it and I shoot the ball into the goal "GOALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!" Me and Lilith yell and high five "We're still tied we're going into shoot offs" Steven says. Me and Lilith need one more goal in shoot offs to win Steven's the goalie and I'm the player I time it so the bar is in the green area then press circle I press it again so the player stops and kinda shuffles to like trick Steven. I kick it to the right and Steven barely misses it me and Lilith win. "IN YOUR FACE YESS HIGH FIVE LILITH!" me and Lilith hug and high five we both rub it in the boys faces I laugh then go up to Steven and hug him "Good game bae" I say we look at each other and he gives me a quick kiss I then go up to Matt "Great game" I smile and give him a high five I then realize what today is "Oh my gosh!" "What?" Matt says "It's Friday!" I run over to Lilith "We should go swimming" I say she has such a nice pool and it has a whole bunch of different colored lights in it so at night it's all like woah. "Yes that's a great idea and it's like night time so it's gonna be all just yes" I must say all of us did have Monster so we're all like wide awake "Matt Steven we're going swimming if you would like to join us" Lilith yells "Okay" Steven yells. Me and Lilith run up to her room she has like so many different bikinis "Oh my gosh this is literally like amazing" I say looking at all of them "Is it okay if I mix match?" I ask "Yea I don't care I do it all the time" "We should like match" I say "I don't have any matching ones" she said "Just pick one" I say. I pick a a plain black bikini with a strapless top. Lilith picks a galaxy "Okay so I can wear the top to mine and the bottoms to yours and then you can wear top to yours and the bottoms to mine" I say "So basically we just switch bottoms right?" I think about "Yea basically" I laugh and we both change. we grab towels and head down to her pool. We get there and there's a speaker so I ask Lilith "Is it okay if I play music?" "Yea my parents went to LA with my little brother and sister so you can play it as loud as you want" she answers as she sits on the diving board "That's so cool" I say she smiles I Bluetooth my phone and put my music on shuffle the first song that comes on is Shower by Becky G "I love this song" Lilith says "Dude I know" I go and stand at the edge of the pool touching the water with my foot. Lilith screams and I look over at her in the water with Matt standing on the diving board laughing I feel hands on my back so I quickly turn around as Steven pushes me if he wants to play like that. I know we went to the beach and stuff but I start acting like I'm drowning since I'm in the deep end Steven starts panicking and jumps in he pulls me out of the pool and I close my eyes acting like I passed out he starts trying to give me mouth to mouth so I decided to stop the act but instead of just opening my eyes I start kissing him we kiss for a minute then we pull apart I give him one last kiss then jump up and run to the diving board I jump off doing a front flip because I'm still wide awake even though it's like 12. Matt and Lilith look at me "I was joking guys I wasn't actually drowning" I say and then they both just kinda laugh a little. We all just have fun and we're all just acting stupid singing along to the music splashing each other at one point Steven and Matt started twerking, me an Lilith almost died. I jump out of the pool really quick to take a picture I'm smiling with everyone else in the pool in the background I post it on twitter and Instagram I caption it "Hanging with da homies 😂❤️ love them" I tag all of them I get 20 likes in a couple of minutes because I'm actually pretty famous on social media. I jump back in the pool after an hour or so we all get out and sit on the chairs they have surrounding the pool all of us are on our phones I go back on Instagram and the picture has about 18536 likes I have like 27k followers I'm not sure why though because I'm not popular off social media. "Can we go inside now?" I ask "Yea" Matt says "Lets race" I say everyone shouts okay we all line up "Ready set goooooo!" I yell all of us start running like there's zombies chasing us honking of that reminds me of Grave Encounters and that guy so my I pick up my speed and I'm the first to the door with Steven behind me and Lilith behind Steven and Matt behind Lilith "I win" I say as we enter the house. I feel like baking something "I want to bake something" I say "or we can get baked" Matt says pulling a bag of weed out of nowhere "yea maybe later" I say. I used to do drugs a lot but I don't know I don't count weed as a drug it's more of just like idk I still smoke now and then "ooooo let's build a fort" Steven says "Okay I have a plan I'll bake like sweets or whatever while you guys build a fort" I say "Okay" they all say I run upstairs with Lilith to change "You can take whatever you want" she says as we walk into her closet it's literally like another room. I grab some running shorts and a loose grey t-shirt I change and go back down stairs. "Do you guys want something sweet or like a midnight snack type thing?" I ask everyone as they throw sheets and pillows off the balcony "Lilith said that there's sweets and candy and stuff in the theater and that a midnight snack would be better" Steven tells me "Okay" I say and turn around "I like those shorts" Steven says winking I blush and go back to the kitchen. I go to the refrigerator ad grab little pepperoni, cheese, and I find biscuit stuff that's gonna be used for dough I put everything on the counter and go to the cabinets to grab tomato sauce. I grab the dough and just lay it out in a square I spread the tomato sauce and then put the cheese and then the pepperoni. I then roll the dough and cut it so they kinda look like cinnamon rolls but they're pizza rolls I grab a cupcake pan and place each one in then put them in the oven. I set a timer then sit on the counter looking at my phone I go on twitter strolling through some of the replies to the picture I posted of us in the pool I see some hate and then I see some that make me smile. I decide to tweet "Should I make a YouTube channel? 💁🙀" I tweet and within seconds there is replies saying yes I tweet again "What if I shared it with a friend though?" everyone replies saying to just do it
"Okay guys I'll maybe have it up by tomorrow😈" the timer to the oven goes off so I jump down and take the cupcake pan I let then cool down a bit then grab a plate and place all of the rolls on it. I walk out and there's this huge fort it's like oh my gosh crawl in and place the plate down everyone looks at the plate and grabs one "Good job making the fort" I say with food in my mouth "Great job making these pizza rolls" Steven says I smile "Thanks bae"

~Later that night~

I'm on my phone in the dark while Steven and Lilith are both sleeping
"Psst" I hear Matt say "Yea?" I whisper
"Do you wanna go smoke?" he says I think about it "Nah but I'll go outside with you" I say we both get up and sit on the backyard porch he lights his pipe and inhales he exhales making circles with the smoke "Inhale the good shit exhale the bullshit" I laugh at his comment he looks at me "You don't think you're beautiful" he states I'm a little taken back by his comment "What makes you think that?" I ask him as he exhales the smoke he looks at me and grabs wrist revealing my scars "Why'd you do that to yourself?" he says looking at me "Wouldn't you like to know" I say as I take the pipe from him and inhale I blow out the smoke and walk back inside leaving him I go to Steven and cuddle with him I hear Matthew come back inside "goodnight" he says "night" I reply.



Don't even ask I kinda just write what I want to if you don't like it then don't read it. Okay but I already know I'm a horrible person because I don't update like a normal person but yea


Follow me on Instagram @m.i.aaaaa
There's 5 a's k

I'm sorry there's not a lot of Steven in this chapter I started writing it last night at 2 in the morning


~ Miaaaaa🌻🎈🌻

(Sorry if there's errors and also if anyone want to make a new cover for the book message me on here or kik @lovmia27 don't judge my username or you can dm on Instagram whatever floats your boat and also I got the pizza roll idea from an account on Instagram @snackcreative)

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