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Another morning, another day for school.
I got out of bed, brushed my teeth, did my hair and got dressed.
I turned to look in the mirror, small bags under my eyes. Last night all I could do was think about Zack. I try to stop myself, but I can't help but fantasise about him. I hope this is some sort of phase, and maybe I'll be over it soon.

As I entered the school building, I wanted to find Zack. After all that happened, he probably needed a helping hand. And now would be the perfect opportunity to be that helping hand.

But that idea changed when I saw him with Charlie, Mike and everyone. They were talking about me again, as usual. But that's when Zack said; "honestly, at this point, I don't care what you do to him."

My heart broke a little bit when he said that. Zack was never one to join in on this kind of stuff.

That's when Charlie turned his head, and noticed me staring. They all turned.
"What do you fucking want?" Charlie hissed.
I looked in the opposite direction, trying to ignore them.
Charlie walked over.
"I said what do you fucking want?"
He was leaned over me, as I shrivelled up in fear. I was praying that Zack would stick up for me, be my knight in shining armour, but that never happened.
The bell for lesson rang.
Charlie shoved me, "don't think we're done with you. And stop fucking staring at Zack. Or any of us."

o u t c a s t // tofuudiger (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now