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Almost as soon as Zack left, class was dismissed. He just stood outside the classroom, staring at his shoes.

"What the fuck was that, dude?" Mike said
"I'm s-sorry it's j-" Zack began, but was cut off.
"I don't want to fucking hear it. Come back when you've calmed down." Ant snobbed. They shoved Zack lightly out of the way, and went off. I'm the corner of my eye, I saw Zack run off to the bathroom, his face covered with tears.

I don't know why, but I followed.

I saw him sitting in the corner of the bathroom, his faced buried in his knees, crying. Zack? Crying? This was a lot to take in.

I slowly crouched down next to him, slowly reaching my arm out to give him a comforting pat. He just looked up at me, then my hand, and slapped it out his way.
"Don't think we're fucking friends." He scowled.
"Zack, it's ok please don't wor-" I was interrupted
"It's ok? It's not fucking ok" he began, "they're the only people who cared about me. Not even my fucking family love me." Zack continued
"W-why?" I said quietly, slightly intimidated by how agressive he was becoming.
"Why? Ugh, follow me."
He grabbed my wrist and dragged me behind him. I wonder where he was taking me?

As he was dragging me behind him, his hand somehow slipped into mine. I don't know how it happened, or when, but I kinda liked it. I couldn't help but blush.
Goddamnit Joe, why are you being like this? Especially now? Plus, why would you even like Zack? He's too good for you.

I wanted to see if he was blushing, but I assume he thought nothing of it.

A/N (yes I'm doing one now)
Thank you for readin this! I know hardly anyone does, but I appreciate it anyway <3 I'll try to update more now c:
That's it kthxbai

o u t c a s t // tofuudiger (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now