Chapter 4

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Lins POV:

I was in the waiting room while Hannah was in surgery.  I called the cast and Vanessa and explained what happened.  Now it the waiting room was filled with said people.  A nurse walked in with a clipboard.  "Family of Hannah Miranda."

We all ran over to her and she jumped back a bit.  "She just let of of surgery.  Hannah has two broken ribs, stiches over her right eyebrow, and a broken wrist."  The brown haired nurse looked back down at her clip board.  

"She should be waking up shortly.  Her room is 221B.  IF you want you can see her now.  No more than five at a time."  I bolted off to the room with everyone close behind.  

Skipping on the elevator, I skipped steps and headed up to the second floor.  I skidded to a stop in front of her room.  Slowly I opened the door.  There was a bed in the middle of the room.  Hannah was asleep with wires and I.V. attached to her.  She looked so fragile and tiny.  "Oh mi niña."

I slowly walked in and sat down in the chair next to her.  As I settled into my spot, Vanessa, Sebastian, Renee, Daveed, and Ramos walked in.  Everyone had tears in their eyes.  No one should be treated like that.

"How could someone do that to a kid?" Renee held Hannahs hand.  I could tell that they were going to be attached at the hip.  Ramos just stood there, tears were coming down his cheeks. Daveed was also crying.  We hadnt known her long but she had the type of energy that made everyone love her.

A beeping noise went off.  Looking over I noticed Hannah shifting around in her bed.  "She's waking up!  SHE'S WAKING UP!"

Hannah's POV:

Light.  I began to open my eyes and the first thing I was greeted with was bright lights.  Okay I didn't think heaven was this blinding."¿Alguien puede bajar las luces por favor? Creo que yo voy ciego."  Holy Shit my voice sounds dry and rough.

The lights were dimmed down.  I looked around and saw Lin, Daveed, Renee, Anthony, and two new faces.  "If heaven is a hosipital, than I would like a refund and to go back."

Everyone chuckled.  Lin stepped forward. "Nope you are very much alive, with two broken ribs, a broken wrist, and stiches above your eyebrow."

"I dont feel anything."  Daveed ruffled my hair.  "Thats caused they drugged you up on pain killers."

Renee held my hand tightly ( the one that wasnt broken).  "How are you feeling?"

"You know when you take a nap and dont know where you are and what time it is?  It feels like one of those."  The strange lady shook her head.  

I turned my head twoards her.  "I dont mean to be rude but who are you?"  

"I'm Vanessa, Lins wife.  This is Sebastian."  She ruffled a small childs hair. He was so CUTE!!!!  Drugged up or not anyone could see that.

"Can I hold him? He is so cute!"  Vanessa nodde and handed him to me.  he sat where there was no cables and where my good hand was.  "Hi little guy."

Sebastian giggled and poked my nose.  "NOSE!"

I smiled at him.  What could I say? I'm a sucker for kids.  "Yes that is a nose."  He clapped his hand and kissed my cheek.  Its offical this kids needs to be kept away from all thing bad in the world.  "I now proclaim you as precious child.  You need to stay this cute."  Out of the corner of my eyes I saw Lin and Vanessa smiling.  

"Hannah can I talk to you?"  Lin grabbed sebatian and sat at the foot of my bed.  "Vanessa and I were wondering if its okay if we foster you. You would have some where..."

I smiled so big my cheeks hurt.  "OF COURSE!"

Lin looked at Sebastian and spoke tohim in the baby voice.  "Homeboy, that girl right there is now your sister.  Say hi to Hannah."

"SISSY ANNA!"  Close enough.  The doctor walked in as Sebastian began to cheer the phrase over and over.

    He didn't even glance my direction and immediately talked to the group of people in my 'room'. "Hi, good evening, who is the guardian of Hannah Miranda?"

Lin and Vanessa answered.  "Well she can go home tonight.  No strenuous activities, and if there is any pain she can take Advil or ibuprofen."  The balding doctor looked back at the sheets of paper.

"Also she is serverly underweight.  She is 5'4.  The normal weight range for her height and frame size is 124-138 pounds.  Hannah is currently 80 pounds.  I suggest foods heavy in carbs and protein."  The blue-eyed man turned to face me.  "Eat and don't do any sports or such.  For school I want you to use a wheel chair.  I hope you feel better."

With that he handed my a hardy candy with a strawberry wrapper.  Where do they buy these?! In all my fourteen years of life I have never seen these in a store.  The rest of the cast walked into the room.  They were either asking how I was feeling or seeing how the pain killers affected my speech.  In other words Groffsauce and Thayne having me say the peter piper tongue twister.

An hour passed before I was released and was wheeled to Vanessa's car.  The groggy effect of the drugs was wearing of and my sense were awakening more. At the car, I stood up and sat down next to Sebastian's car seat.  When the small bean was buckled in he began to say gibberish and play with my hand.  Lin was driving and decided to play seasons of love.  One does not simply listen to seasons of love.  In other words, my nerdy ass sang along to it and Joanne Jefferson's part.  When that high note came, I made sure to hit that note.  Which I did.  

Lins POV:

Hannah was in the back singing to seasons of love with me and Vanessa.  I took Collins part and she took Joanne's.  When that long high note came, I didn't expect anyone that young to hit it.  I was wrong.  She did the riff and everything.  Little did she know I taped it.  Now to post it on twitter.... maybe later.  A couple more songs played before Waving through a window came on.

"THIS IS MY SONG!!"  Hannah sprung up in the back only to wince a little.  

I looked over my shoulder.  "You okay?"

"Yah, just moved a bit to fast."  Soon the song started and I filmed her singing.  Hannah had one of the highest vocal ranges I've ever heard.  "On the outside, always looking in.  Will I be more than I've always been?"

In a hushed voice I whispered to Vanessa.  "I think she is going to fit in just fine."

*time skip brought to you by cafecito.  The best coffee one can have.*

We arrived at the apartment and both of the kids were passed out.  Sebastian was leaning on Hannah's shoulder while she leaned on his head.  I love my family and now its gotten bigger!  Since Hannah isn't allowed to go to school for at least two weeks  -doctors orders- she'll be coming with me to the theater.  

Vanessa lifted homeboy out of his seat and took him to his room. I unbuckled Hannah, and carried her up stairs.  She was extremely light.  I don't think those assholes fed her much.  I placed her in her bed and tucked her in.  After that I closed the room door and headed off to bed.  First things first, post on twitter the photos and videos.  I uploaded the videos and photos with the caption Welcome to the family Hannah!  Now time for bed.

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