chapter 6

349 11 6

Hannah's pov

I woke up in the arms of a snoring Lin.  Sitting up, I looked around and saw most of the cast either asleep or eating.  "What time is it?"

Jonathan looked over at me. "Hey, you're up!  Its, about three and did you know you snore?"

I just nodded and rubbed my eyes.  Pippa must have noticed I was up and handed me a cup of water.  Before I could say anything, she just engulfed me in a hug.  "I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault he was an utter douche canoe."  I heard a laugh erupt from Phillipa and Groff.  

Groff ruffled my hair as he took a seat across from me.  "How do you create insults like that?" 

"They just pop in my head.  I have some classy ones and some nasty ones."

The king of Broadway leaned closer.  "Explain."

A smirk appeared on my face.  "There's a couple I remember off the top of my head.  Shall I compare thee to a summers day? cause thou hast no class. Does your ass ever get jealous of the amount of shit that comes out your mouth? You're like the first slice of bread, everyone touches you but no one wants you.  You are as desirable as a stale croissant.  Last but not least, I would call you a cunt but you lack depth and warmth."

At the last one, Pippa's  face fell while Jon started to cackle. In between breaths, he managed to pant out, "You are a gift to the world."

Pippa just shook her head and sighed.  "Well, if you're still up for it we can still take you shopping."

As if on cue Renee and Jazzy walked in.  "We heard shopping!"

While the four decided what stores to go to, I headed over to the fridge to steal some food.  There was some pretzels, pears (eww), some cookies, and some lemonade.  Nothing appealed to me, I guess I will never be satisfied. I quickly wrote a letter on a napkin before and placed it on Lin's face.  Out shopping with Schuyler sister and King George."Hannah, we have devised the greatest shopping plan for you.  Let's go!"

I ran up to where the fabulous four stood waiting to go to the car.  We quickly loaded into the car and Jazzy sped off.  Groff was sitting to my right, Renee to my left, and Pippa was in the front passenger seat.  The curly haired Schuyler sister began to flip through her phone and played some music.  At first, it was some oldies that I had no clue existed or had forgotten about over time, then a song known to many Hispanics came on.  Gozadera.  

"Miami me le confirmo. Gente de Zona! Puerto Rico me lo regalo! Dominica ya reprico!Y del Caribe somos tu y yo!"

This song was a top favorite of mine.  It painted the Caribbean and Hispanic islands as one and yet showed what made them unique.  I continued to sing at the top of my lungs in Spanish. Once the song came to an end I heard clapping and cheering in the car.  "Okay from now on you are coming with us to karaoke nights!"  Pippa was messing around with her phone.  "Also, Twitter knows you have an amazing singing voice."

I never had a twitter so of course, I don't care.  Suddenly Jazzy hit the brakes.  I felt my seatbelt practically choke me.  Groff and Renee's instinctively shot out to hold me back.  "What happened?!"

'"Sudden red light.  Sorry."  We continued singing and laughing in the car until we approached a large mall.  

"Okay before anything, do you have a preferred store or sense of style?"

I smiled in excitement.  "Jean pants, Tank tops, converses, flannel, and sneakers."  I could see the gear in Renee's head turning.  

"Hot Topic, Payless, Old-navy for jeans, and Bath and Bodyworks."

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