Chapter 1

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"Good morning subject 2036." I sit up rubbing my eyes and yawning.
"Good morning room." I get out of my bed and make it. My bed then folds away into the wall. A table and chair is set for me. "Room, what is for breakfast today?" I sit down in my chair waiting for an answer.

"For breakfast, eggs." My room tells me everything I need to know. I ask it something and it will answer. The wall opened and out slid a plate of eggs. The wall then closed. A glass then came up from the table and it was orange juice. Well that's what they all it. I don't really know what orange juice is made of. I don't even know were eggs come from. They just give us they food.

They is this organization called Project Recreation. I don't know anything about my past life, I don't know who my parents are. I'm not alone, I have a person I talk to and be with all the time when I'm out of my room. I don't know what you call it but she is subject 2038. She has dark hair like me and she is year 15 like me.

We always see each other when we are in the learning room which I go to every 5 days. The learning room is were we learn about history, math, literature, and biology. I'm level 45 which is really high for my age. Most people are 20 at that level. I like to exceed my brain capacity.

"Room, can you tell me my agenda today."
"Yes, today you have, history, then you will be able to walk in the forest garden, come back for lunch, then you will go to literature, you will come back here for dinner."
"Thank you room, also how much longer till I leave for history."
"5 minutes." I stood up and the table and chair disappeared. I walked over to a wall and placed my hand on the scanner. A door opened up showing me my clothes for today.

We are all given uniforms. White shirt, white pants. We don't need to wear shoes. They call something the outside that we are forbidden to go to. No one has seen it except the tarnished back then. They said that it was horrible. The conditions they lived in, but they made a new living which is Project Recreation. I put my clothes on and place my hand over another scanner to open the door out of my room.

"Good bye room I will be back for lunch."
"Good bye subject 2036." I walk out with the door closing behind me. I have my tablet with all my stuff inside. I look at my bracelet and open my hand to show a screen. The light projects it onto my hand. It has my agenda for today, Room puts it in for me so I don't forget. I walk to my learning room and sit down in my assigned seat. A desk folds out of my chair. It has a screen on it and a tech pen for me to write on the screen. I place my screen down on the table next to the desk screen. I see other subjects walk in. I got here on time because I didn't talk to subjects in the learning halls.

Everything is white, White resembles creation, new, pure. White is our symbol color. When everyone was was seated the lights dimmed a little. Then walked in a man. That's Mr. Welpling. He teaches us.

"Good morning learners."
"Good morning Mr. Welpling." We all say in sync. History is probably my favorite learning period.

"Our learning subject today is to learn about the tarnished. Does anyone remember who they are?" Some girl raised her hand. "Yes subject 4067?"

"The tarnished, they are the ones who lived in disharmony and poplulation was out of control, along with food source."
"Good subject 4067." She smiled. "Yes everyone we are learning about them. We will see how they lived back then. How they managed to live this far with this type of living." Our screens turned on and I took my tech pen out of the holder.

A large screen showed up in front of all of us. The room we are in was like a large room that had rows that went to the top. I was in the middle. Words started to show up and picture drawings.

"Okay learners. Can you tell me what painting this is?" It showed a woman with long dark hair she was smiling a little and she had a dark clothing. Why did people wear dark stuff, Or other colors, I find it weird. I raised my hand.

"Yes subject 2036?"
"The Mona Lisa."
"Good subject 2036." I smiled. "Yes everyone this is the Mona Lisa. She was painted by a man named Leonardo da Vinci and he became famous for it, but now we don't have anything called famous. We are equal and we treat each other the same. Back then they didn't have subject names. They had different names, for example, Mary. Our subject names keep us organized." I wrote down notes with my tech pen.

"Today our soldiers found a video from the outside world. Brave men they are to go out of the safe zone." He hit the screen showing a video. It was a girl with long blond hair she had a pink dress and a shiny thing placed on her head. If I remember correctly that's called a crown. Then some voice started to talk.

"Happy birthday Abby." Then it showed a circle pastel thing. "Do you like your cake?" A cake? What's a happy birthday? I didn't study for this. "Does it look yummy." Then it showed the girl. She had a bright smiled. You eat a cake? I wrote these things down on my tablet then on my desk screen. The video then turned into static and popped up lots of people. The lights were dimmed and there were these lights on this so called cake.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to Abby, happy birthday to you." They were chanting to the girl. "Make a wish." She then blew out the light and everyone clapped and cheered. They all put the attention to this one girl. The video ended, I want to know more.

"Okay class that's it for today." I grab my tablet and walk out of the classroom. I started to walk to the forest garden. They wanted to let us have a feeling of what nature is. It's really pretty and I like it. I don't understand why the tarnished cut down these tall trees that give us air. It was wrong of them, we never do that. I mean I have never seen a real tree before.

I got to the garden to find a seat with subject 2038. I walked over to her.
"2038!" We hugged each other.

"I have a great story for you." She said with a smile.

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