Chapter 4

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Tori' s *p.o.v*

"Torriii..." I heard someone whisper in my ear. "Torriii time to wakee upp"

They said and I groaned and stuck my hand out hitting someone in the face and turning over on my stomach. "Leave me alone..." I mumbled into my pillow. My head hurts and so does my stomach. " Victoria get up we have to go to class!" The person said shaking me and I groaned and opened one eye and turned back over to see Maddi fully dressed and smiling.

"Morning sunshine! " She said and I closed my eyes again. "No it's a bad  morning. Leave me alone.." I said and she sighed and I heard her walked away and the door open and close. Thank you Lord... I thought and smiled trying to go back to sleep. I suddenly felt something wet and freezing hit my face and I sat up straight with my eyes wide.

Maddi was standing at the end of my bed with a cup and a smile on her face "Get up." She said ripping the covers off me and I groaned getting out of bed "You're a bitch sometimes, you know that?" I asked mumbling and putting on some clean clothes. "Yea but you love me anyways." She said eating a muffin.

I slipped on my high tops and a beanie. My light brown hair fell over my shoulders and back and I yawned. I don't really wear make up so I just put on eye liner and mascara and opened our mini fridge and took out a muffin, an Apple, a banana, and a yogurt and spoon.

Maddi rolled her eyes and smiled. "You're going to get fat." She said and I shrugged "So?" I asked. Maddi has to watch what she eats because she's diabetic.. See, I can eat whatever I want because I never really get fat. I was bulimic all through out middle school and half of high school. So my metabolism slowed down a lot and it broke my fat glands and I had to get surgery and stuff so yea..

As we were walking on the way to our classes Maddi was talking about some essay but I wasn't really paying attention... I remember giving something to someone yesterday but I don't know what I gave and who I gave it too...  I really hope I didn't give fifty bucks to a hobo again... That was terrible... I bit my lip like I do when I'm in deep thought and then I felt someone tap me and I looked around and saw Maddi looking at me funny "You okay ?" She asked and I nodded.

"Yea why?" I asked smiling and she shrugged

"You seem out of it today... Well, anyways I gotta get to class. Meet me outside at lunch. OKay?" She said and I nodded

"Mkay bye.."I said and she walked away and I started walked towards the building my first class is in. Literature and stuff.. As I was walking my friend Evan caught up to me.

"Tori!"He shouted smiling widely holding his football stuff. He's the quarter back. He's a really sweet guy but he's not my type.

"Hey Evan.What's up?" I asked smiling and he shrugged

"Nothing much. I was just heading to practice" He said brushing back his short black hair

"NIce." I said feeling my phone vibrate in my pocket.

" Are you going to the game on Saturday?" He asked and I shrugged

"I dunno...I have to study and stuff.."I said and his smile kind of faded

"Oh that's cool.'"He said almost disappointed and I felt bad.

"But I'll try to be there okay?" I reassured him and his eyes lit up and his smile came back.

"Awesome! See ya later Tori!" He said happily and he ran away as I got to the building and opened the door.

I pulled out my phone to check the message I got in the middle of class. Professor Farmer was lecturing about how Edward Allen Poe was an amazing writer.

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