Chapter 18

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So yknow ive decided that the p.o.v. is gonna be Tori unless I say other wise. So, yea just putting that out there.





I think Niall saw the confused look on my face because he snapped his fingers in my face which brought me out of thought. "What- yea- sorry" I said blinking fast. "Alright, Tori...You werw really drunk last night- we all were- but do you remember anything?" He asked looking me directly in the eye.

I swallowed hard and thought "All I remeber was singing Talk Dirty, You offering me a bunch of shots, and sitting on your lap talking to Louis." I sighed, pressing my pointer fingers to my temples.  "Okay, that's a start, do you remember anything after that?" He asked running his hand through his half brunette half blonde hair...Thd dye was wearing off.

"I mean, I remember doing something... Like, Louis was on the phone with someone....Harry and Maddi were dancing... You and I were.." Then I realized what it was that I did "...kissing" I finished. He nodded slowly and I swallowed hard. I honestly didn't regret it... I fell for Niall and theres obviously no flying back up. We just stared each other in the eyes as if we were trying to read one anothers thoughts. I wish I could read his thoughts... I wish I could kiss him again.

Just to experience it again.

I wish I was his.

I wish he was mine.

"Niall, I-" I started but he cut me off  by slamming his lips to mine. I was surprised in so many ways possible but I just sank into it and kissed back. I felt so many butterflies...No these were butterflies with mallets, swords, and machine guns. I liked this feeling. A lot.

His lips were so soft and they tasted like strawberry chapstick and toothpaste, but mostly strawberry chapstick. He pulled away and looked me in the eyes. His arms were around my waist so he was holding me close enough so I could see his face. He was taller than me. I was short.

"Tori..The first time I ever saw you..You were most gorgeous girl I'd ever met and I've met a lot of girls. You beat all of them. I know I just met you a month ago but...Tori, I think I love you. Whenever I see you my heart speeds up, I get  this insane twist in my stomach and I just want to grab you and kiss you and hug you and just call you mine. I know this isnt the most romantic thing ever, considering were in a hotel room, half naked, and I probably making your headache worse by talking so much  but.. I need to ask. Tori, will you you give me the honor to be your boyfriend?" He asked still looking me in the eye. I felt my throat stop up and I couldnt talk. I smiled widely and nodded "y-yes. I mean yes!" I said finally being able to talk. I stood on my tiptoes and kissed him.

I pulled away and hugged him. "Took you long enough, Horan." I said with a giggle and he chuckled. he pecked my lips and we stood there hugging. Still half naked.




- 2 hours later -

Niall and I were lying on the bed I woke up in. We were both fully dressed and I was eating cereal. Maddi and Harry woke up around 30 minutes ago. Its funny how we both got boyfriends after one party.

They were going to wake up the others. So, Niall and me were just sitting around watching Full House reruns when he started playing with my hair. "You have soft hair" He said and I laughed a little. "Thank you?"I said making it sound more like a question.  "No, I'm serious...It's like silk. Like, wow."He said twirling my hair around his finger.  Right then, my phone rang. I laughed at him and picked up my phone. The I.D said Baby Brother. I answered and put the phone to my ear.

"Hey jo-jo."I said casually. "Hey Tori, so...guess what?"He said and I knew exactly what it was. "I have the money. Don't worry about it. I'm coming back in a week or so. Just in time for Christmas."I said and I couls almost feel the shock on his face. "How did you-" I cut him off. "I got a job. I have enough to buy two two way tickets. Problem solved. Tell mom I'll be there and I might bring one more person.. You kind of need to meet him. " I said and I looked at Niall whon was trying his best to understand what was happening.

"Wait, him? Tori, do you have a boyfriend? Is he safe? Does he do drugs? Does he have a job? Is he nice? When did you meet him? When did you start dating him?!" He asked with thay brotherly voice. Hes protective. "Yes, its a him. Yes, he is my boyfriend. Yes, he is safe. No, hes not a drug addict. Yes, he has a pretty damn good job. Yes, hes the sweetest thing ever. I met him a month and a half ago by Maddi. We started dating at 9 am this morning. So, yea. I have to go. I love you Jo-Jo. Tell mama I love her! Bye bye!" I said before he could start lecturing. I hung up right then and threw my phone to the end of the bed.







yea its really short


ugh school starts in a week and im gonna die when it does. like ew.

so anyways. I have to go.

love you my lovelies!

- Chloe :)

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