Chapter 34

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-Christman Eve morning-

Y'know, I woke up from a nightmare at like 6 a.m and no one was up except for my grandfather who, traditionally,  had a flask of scotch and orange juice.

"Morning Pops."I said deciding to make breakfast, so I had to pull out the pans.

"Hey Pumpkin."He said with the smallest slur.

My papa with his bald head, short white beard, big stomach with a muffin top and 6'4 height is probably the toughest man in my life.


  He has survived small pox, trench foot, World War Two and Afghanistan. He also has three loud, rowdy, grown ass children who love to give their children shots when they turn 14 and teach their kids how to egg a house correctly.

  "When'd you wake up?"I asked cracking an egg into the pan and letting it sizzle.

"Around 4:30 because your grandmother got mad at me for snoring and pushed me out of bed"He said taking another swig of his silver flask.

"Oh, want an omelet? "I asked holding in a laugh. My grandparents are extremely different.

Here's why:

Grandma Traits-

● Polite
● Lady-Like
● Prissy
● Nice


● Lazy
● Sailor
● Dirty
● Laidback
● Know it All

I know it's harsh but even my mom says it. It's quite funny.

I finish his omelet and take the flask.

I mean, it has orange juice right?

At around qaurter to ten everyone was waking up. Neal had taken emily and Aubrey home because they missed their mom. Olivia was sitting at the counter next to me balancing a cooke on her nose.

"Don't make it fall!"I laughed and she tried not to laugh. Failing horribly.

The cookie fell and broke on the floor.

"Pick that up! Don't be messy!"Grandma scolded us. I looked at Olivia and started running

"I uh-gotta go uh- wake up Niall" I laughed leaving my 15 year old cousin to clean the mess.

I ran upstairs and turn left into the blue bedroom ive been sharing with Niall. Skipping over to the bed and flopping down next to him.

He looked so peaceful. I almost didn't want to wake him up, just sit and watch him until he woke up.

But thats creepy and he'd most likely break up with me.

I shook him a little trying to get his attention, "Nialll" I whispered softly. Nothing

"Niii, wake upp."I whispered again.

That time, the corners of his mouth curled up and he kind of stifled a laughed. He opened his eyes and looked at me. He pulled me over to him, hugging me and kissed me on the forehead.

"Why are you laughing?," I asked blushing stupidly. "What did I do?"

He smiled and kissed me on the cheek, "because you're adorable." He said simply as he turned to face me with his arms still around me.

"So, what have you done this wonderful Christmas Eve morning, love?"He asked sounding extremely posh and I giggled


"Well, I woke up, got in the shower, Made breakfast, Wrapped present and ate cookies." I said smiling. His face was almost glowing by the time I got to the words 'Made breakfast'

"Oooh..what'd you make for breakfast?"He asked licking his lips playfully.

I bit my lip trying to stifle a laugh. No, it didn't work

I laughed a lot.

I dont know why but that was the funniest thing to me. It wasn't like a loud, obnoxious laugh. It was quiet and muffled because I hid my face in his shoulder blade.

Once I calmed down I twisted my head to look at him. His eyes were on me and he was genuinely smiling.

"Eggs, Bacon, Sausage and Toast." I said answering his question before my fit of laughter. He just laughed and nodded.


It was 12:30 and I was in the living room with Neal, Joeseph and Christopher. 

Neal was around my height, skinny, brown eyes,built and had short dark brown hair that was styled with gel.

Joespeh was taller than me, short light brown hair, hazel eyes, kind of lanky and had rectangular glasses that slipped down his nose from time to time.

Christopher was about the same height as Neal, forehead length brown hair, dark brown eyes, built and had a tattoo circling his bicep. It looked like a chain or a snake.

Christopher was quiet and he teneded to glance at Tori a lot which made me want to strangle him.

Apparently he's on probation for 6 months now but if he screws up he's back in jail.

Neal got up suddenly "Be right back man. I need to piss"He said running upstairs in full throttle.

"So open...what the hell.." Joespeh mumbled his eyes fixed to his phone.

I laughed a little

"Jo Jo! Get cha ass in here for a sec!"Olivia yelled from the kitchen where she, grandma linda, Tori and Miss Dawn were cooking.

He groaned and got up nonchalantly. "Be right back.." he mumbled walking to the kitchen.

Then it was just me and Christopher.

I glanced at him and ge was already looking at me.


"Hi..?"I said awkwardly not sure of what to do.

"She told you didnt she?"he smirked kind of "big achievement right?"

I knew what he was talking about and I  wanted to strangle him again.

"Listen you punk ass,  ever touch her again and by god do I promise I will beat the living shit out out of your no good ass and send you back in that small cell you live in."I threatened in a whisper, standing up and going into the kitchen.





So, yeah.

I don't like this chapter.  I don't know why...ugh.

Im tired. And hungry. Ehhh

Well im gonna leave now.

Bye <3

Stay lovely :*


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