Chapter 19

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"-therefore, you five aren't partying, drinking, etcetera, for the rest of the damn month." Paul was ranting at the lads in the car. Louis was up front, Maddi was in Harrys lap, Niall was next to me, Liam was next to Niall, and Zayn was in one of the middle row seats. "Yea, well, I'm not allowed to drink anyway. El is putting me on probabtion for a month " Louis rolled his eyes. I looked up front, confused.

"Who's El?" I asked. I didn't know who everybodys name was. Maddi hadn't informed me.

"Eleanor, Louis' girlfriend. She's in Bradford visiting her grandma." Harry turned around "She's really nice and a college student. I think this year is her last year. " He said smiling joyfully and Louis turned around, sitting on his knees, no seatbelt, nothing.

"Yea! She'll be back in a month. She's absolutely amazingly gorgeous. We've been dating for what seems like forever. You'd love her! Then again, everyone does. God do I-" He kept on talking when Paul slapped him on the shoulder. "Sit down and buckle up unless you want to pay for a police ticket, Louis." Paul warned and Louis rolled his eyes and turned, sitting down, buckling up.

I was fascinated by Paul. He was this huge, tough guy who protects five grown-up ( sort of ) guys. Yet, he was soft-hearted and extremely funny. I would love to see him punch something.. I don't know why. It's weird.

"Anyway, Girls, would you like me to drop you off at campus?" Paul interrupted my thoughts about him punching something.

"Yea, that would be great. Thanks"Maddi looked at me "we have to study for exams.."She finished and I pouted.

"Fuck that...I'd rather fail... " I laid my head on Nialls' shoulder "It's just to much work. 4 classes, 5 exams, one performances. Just to much..." I said and once I finished I felt a pair of lips kiss my temple. I smiled, knowing it was Niall..

"Well, if you want to go to Ohio you better do your exams." Maddi said punching my arms lightly







"This is hopeless!" Maddi groaned throwing her textbook at the ground. "See? See what I was talking about?" I pointed out, closing my book. "So, I could see you and Harry fucked last night. Do you remember it? You were pretty slammed last night." I said smirking. I saw a deep blush appear on her face. "Shut the hell up...Yes, I remember it and quite frankly, it was amazing." She said throwing a pillow at me.

I laughed and hugged the pillow "Oh Harry! Please please please fuck me! OH Harry!!" I mocked her, laughing. She gasped, blushing like wild, She picked up her pen and threw it at me. She missed me by a centimeter.

"Shut the hell up, Victoria." She mumbled and you could hear the southern in her.

"Whatever. I think we both need sleep. " I laughed and she nodded in agreement, climbing under her covers. I pulled mine up to my chest and turned to my side. She turned off the lamp and I heard her yawn.

"G'night Tori.."She mumbled tiredly

"Night Mads..Oh and if you have a horny dream about Mr.Styles... Don't wake me up with your noise." I said, closing my eyes. I heard her shuffling and then I felt a pillow hit the back of my head.

I laughed and closed my eyes, drifting off into sleep..







Yeah, so...thats ch. 19!
School started today and I absolutely hate it. None if my friends are in my class and its just- ugh

So, I hope you liked this chapter (: Ive had it drafted for like, 2 days.. I kept forgetting to finish..

Well! I love you guys! Im tired. sorry my little polka dots! bye bye!

- Chloe :)

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