All I can remember is being stabbed though the chest by a knife and laughing...but it was my laughter. I'm a sociopath I can't feel emotions like normal people do. I can cry but I don't cry for a reason to be sad about just for me to seem normal.i run off my own insanity. I remember after the laughing I looked around before passing out and saw a shadow. It was tall and faceless. I woke up on a couch with a blanket on. I was next to a guy with blonde hair and a link outfit. I looked around more to see an another guy in a blood stained white Hoodie and black skinny jeans.he had blue eyes and was a lot taller than me. The guy on the couch noticed I was awake and stared. The guy in white said nothing and stared.i looked down at the gapping hole in my chest were the knife was .
Sorry if that was crappy this is my first story!

creepypasta x reader
ספרות חובביםhave you ever dreamed of loving a killer? also this is my first story so sorry if it's trash but I am too.