Part 1: Black and White

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AN: Time for some Keith angst for once👌🏻. Side note: "letting go of ___'s hand" is a hint to them passing away.

Keith looked at his feet, the silence of the room making his heart pound in his ears. A faint beep was heard from the heart monitor, though he could barely hear it over his heartbeat. He gripped Shiro's fragile and wrinkly hand, tracing his eyes up the frail arm to his face, teardrops threatening to fall. Shiro had grown old, barely able to breathe on his own. "It's... been an honor... fighting with y-you..." Shiro whispered, smiling faintly at the Red Paladin. Keith shook his head, biting his lip. "No, Shiro, please. Don't leave me again." He grit his teeth, looking at the floor. "Take care of them." Shiro murmured, letting out a heavy sigh. The beeping of the monitor went still, a long line running across the screen. Keith sat there in shock, letting Shiro's hand loosely slip out of his hand. He allowed Allura and Coran to lead him away, feeling a dull ache in his chest. When he left Shiro's makeshift infirmary room mix, he broke into a sprint, running to Lance's room, unable to hold back his sobs and tears.

He knew it was coming, but he couldn't have ever prepared to lose his leader, his mountain of refuge, his best friend.

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